Executive Summary Brands go where consumer attention goes. Today, things you never knew existed? That’s the role of that attention is online. And when people get discovery. And while e-commerce hasn’t historically online, the single largest share of their time goes been great at discovery, social is rooted in it. to social channels. This has changed how people consume information and learn about the world When people follow others on social, they’re around them — including how they learn about intentionally opting to receive content from that products and brands. With billions of people person or brand. That content can make thumbs inhabiting major social networks, the content they thumb through has the potential of setting into motion a journey that leads from discovery to purchase. In effect, content on the social is introducing people to things they never knew they needed in their lives. And that’s going to be transformational for digital commerce. Digital commerce has always been great if you knew what you were looking for. That’s because traditional e-commerce is rooted in search. But what about the 2 | Curalate Consumer Survey: Social Content is the New Storefront November 2017

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