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The Metaverse Overview : Vision, Technology, and Tactics | Industry Demographically, NFT market is more mature overseas, especially in Europe and the US. Among the biggest NFT buyers, 55% are in the Americas, 27% in Europe, and only 18% in Asia, mainly due to the greater flexibility of overseas markets. Figure37: Profile of NFT bidders and buyers NFT dealers/Bidders, Users Portfolio: Take Everyday: The first 5000 Days the Bidding of as an Example 6% 3% 6% 33% 33% 58% 55% Millennials (1981-1996) X age (1965-1980) America Europe Asia Z age (1997-2012) baby boomers (1946-1964) Source:, Deloitte analysis Current problems Four major problems currently beset the NFT market, the most prominent being security and market supervision. There is a long way to go before the massive adoption of NFTs and it will require cooperation and joint efforts from multiple counterparts. The four major problems are a lack of liquidity, with high price thresholds and no fair pricing mechanism; the security and uncertainty of blockchain storage, with occasional NFT losses; NFTs being a niche market limited to digital art, collections, and games, with a long way to go before mass adoption; and as-yet-unsettled market rules, with regulatory development far slower than NFT market growth, and the lack of a gateway for NFT supervision. Figure38: Problems in the NFT market 流动性匮乏 Lack of Liquidity 储存安全不确定 Uncertain Storage Security 发展面临 Problems 的问题 应用领域小众 Niche Application Field 市场规则不完善 Market Rules Are Not Perfect Source: Deloitte analysis 41

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