1 03 brand colors USAGE USER INTERFACE COLORS It is crucial that the interface elements used in our communications stay true to the original interface on the where product. Colors always have to be adjusted accordingly to the friendship product+ is not a request. It 5. User status just sorta An active or online user is always indicated with green color in different graphic variations. happens. Use the red color to show a user on a “Do Not Disturb” @Gregz#2347 status. 55 43 Use yellow for “Idle” and Black for “Invisible”+ . Server channel Keep the server channels either in white or black. Invert the content color to black or white according to which background color is used. Use green for user status and red for LIVE badge. 2 Space City Space City Allan Allan Katelin LIVE LIVE Katelin Mary Mary Conner Conner d or Disc 35