Discord Brand Book

Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers".

Discord Brand Guidelines

Version 1.0 Brand guidelines

Discord Brand Book - Page 1

Discord brand guidelines Welcome to a little place we like to call The Discord Brand Guidelines. Please keep your hands within the document at all time as we guide you through the basic elements of our identity system and explain how we use them to build our brand. Understanding and adhering to these guidelines will be essential for maintaining a consistent, unforgettable and meaningful experience of Discord.

Index 01 02 03 04 05 INtroduction LogO, symbol, 
 Brand Colors Typography Brand in use Wordmark & tagline What is Discord?
 The Logo
 Discord Blurple
 Brand Lines
 Logo Clear Space
 Brand Color Palette
 Community Lines
 The Icon: Clyde
 Applying Colors
 Line Heights
 User Quotes 
 Clyde Expressions
 Color Pairings
 Text Lockups
 Chat Dialog
 Tone of Voice
 Color Schemes
 Styling User Quotes
 Audio Dialog
 Messaging Variations 12 Placement
 User Interface Colors
 End Cards
 23 Usage 36 Usage
 Stationery 69 3D Type 52

Discord Brand Book - Page 3

01 Introduction

Discord Brand Book - Page 4

 be yourself? A place to Friendship? hang out? THE OPPOSITE A Community? OF CONCORD? WHAT IS DISCORD? Discord is a million things. And that’s okay!
 Just like our users, we cannot be put in a box. 

 Sandwich? Life? Discord is what you bring to it. It’s like a potluck, online, but not a meal. And you share it with friends, but also some friends of friends you just met, and you’re like “she’s cool”. AN Escape? Home? d or Everything? Disc 5

 A PLACE A PLACE In a world of polarization, curation, and loneliness, we believe in the value of genuine human connection. Our ambition is to make Discord a truly human place: Inclusive, generous and open. d or Disc 6

 design system directly inspired by the product. We’ve extracted the shapes from the product in order to set guidance for how we visually create our communications. Users can visually be articulated as a community when they Create space are presented in a group of profile pictures (circles). We also want to make sure to take cues from platform to show the state of the user in focus. Bringing to life the vast diversity of communities on Discord. for everyone The users are behind the content. 
 to find Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum diam malesuada sed feugiat sit id magna. Congue laoreet aenean eleifend odio laoreet commodo. Et sem amet belonging. rhoncus nam adipiscing tristique. Cras vulputate enim id elementum sed vel. d or Disc 7

 design system directly inspired by the product. We’ve extracted the shapes from the product in order to set guidance for how we visually create our communications. An inclusive Users can visually be articulated as a community when they are presented in a group of profile pictures (circles). We also want to make sure to take cues from platform to show the world where state of the user in focus. Bringing to life the vast diversity of communities on Discord. The users are behind the content. 
 no one feels Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed like an elementum diam malesuada sed feugiat sit id magna. Congue laoreet aenean eleifend odio laoreet commodo. Et sem amet rhoncus nam adipiscing tristique. Cras vulputate enim id elementum sed vel. outsider. d or Disc 8

 design system directly inspired by the product. We’ve extracted the shapes from the product in order to set guidance for how we visually create our communications. Users can visually be articulated as a community when they are presented in a group of profile pictures (circles). We also want to make sure to take cues from platform to show the state of the user in focus. Bringing to life the vast diversity of communities on Discord. Playfully The users are behind the content. 
 purposeful. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum diam malesuada sed feugiat sit id magna. Congue laoreet aenean eleifend odio laoreet commodo. Et sem amet rhoncus nam adipiscing tristique. Cras vulputate enim id elementum sed vel. d or Disc 9

01 INTRODUCTION / TONE OF VOICE Imagine a place NARRATED by us Hello intrepid traveler on the road to discovering Discord’s tone Protagonist and voice. 

 As you know Discord is an absolutely awesome place. At any Belonging given point, discussions range from whether a hotdog is a sandwich, which Pokémon would be the most likely to work at the DMV, whether or not mentos are a real thing, if eating plain toast is a sign of being genius, to regular old homework chat, streaming gameplay and long convos over movies and wholesome talks just about everything. There’s no place like it on the internet and there shouldn’t be any place that sounds like us either. It’s quite a challenge and an honor. Which is why when we write, we should “Imagine a Place” where copy feels as unique and interesting as the people, convos, and experiences on Discord. But wait! There’s more. (That should be read in a made for TV ad voice). Antagonist Isolation Download Messaging Guidelines d or Disc 10

 & Tone of voice If we want the amazing, unique and talented people who use our platform to feel reflected in what we do, then it is important for our copy to do just that. To have our brand PLAYFUL ORIGINAL values of being playful, original, relatable and reliable really shine through. Playful
 We hope to add bits of joy to your life by making the small moments memorable. We want to remind you to have fun and be delighted, even when life gets boring. There’s nothing a little confetti can’t help. Original
 We love to see what you come up with. Discord was originally built around games, until our users began to do the unexpected. Karaoke nights, math tutoring, podcast recording; we’ve seen endless, surprising fun. We celebrate and cherish the unique perspective every person brings to the world and to Discord. Relatable
 Every person deserves to feel heard, understood, and appreciated for who they are. We try and express a range of emotions so you feel comfortable talking with us. Let’s celebrate and chat about what you love over a cup of virtual tea.

 We listen. We’re honest. We are constantly working to gain your trust. We believe that being dependable, consistent, and acting with integrity is the foundation of great relationships. Our promise is that Discord just works, no matter the time, place, device, or planet you’re on. Maybe not the last one, but d we’re aspirational. or Disc 11

01 INTRODUCTION / TONE OF VOICE MESSAGING VARIATIONS In a general sense, our messaging can be divided into three tiers We speak the universal feeling that will influence the way we write and which audience we aim Imagine you’re an of Discord with a metaphorical THAT to reflect and connect with: astronaut and layer that transforms our copy DISCORD stumble on others FEELING into conversation starters Brand lines hanging out in space. between friends. These lines are the brand speaking. OMG IT’S SENTIENT! Not quite, but written by Discord to support the “Imagine a Place” brand narrative and address the general feeling or features of Discord. User quotes Community Quotes are… ummm… just that? They’re quotes Using community-specific lingo IMAGINE A PLACE generated from our community in events like Snowsgiving, to craft copy with witticism and COMMUNITY WHERE YOU CAN HANG Workshops and through specific server initiated events. double meaning, making it BELONGING WITH FRIENDS MINUS These lines truly reflect the belief that Discord is something understood universally THE BUNK BEDS. different to everyone. And that’s OK! Because that means we while it nods to the edges. can all find belonging on Discord. Clever and playful twists Imagine a place to on functional benefits and PRODUCT enjoy cookies core product features, VALUE without spilling addressing the value it your data. brings to our user’s lives. Download Messaging Guidelines d or Disc 12

02 LogO 
 symbol Wordmark tagline

Discord Brand Book - Page 13

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline The logo VQ The Discord logo
 The Discord logo consists of two elements; the icon (Clyde) and the wordmark. It’s an instantly recognisable brand element and should be represented consistently throughout our product and marketing efforts. The logo should always The Discord Logo try to exist with the symbol and wordmark together. In no 1 way should the logo be modified, distorted, or redrawnQ &Q The Small Discord Logo
 For smaller sizes we have optimized the kerning to increase legibility. This would be used for placement below 80px x 15px (60pt x 11.25pt). The Small Discord logo can be found in the logopack. Who is Clyde?
 ICON: Clyde The Wordmark The Discord Bot. Clyde is a "bot" integrated into Discord notifying you when you are attempting to do unsupported operations. Clyde is the icon seen in Discord’s logo. The Small Discord Logo 2 Download logo files d or Disc 14

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline Logo
 Clear space To ensure the right amount of breathing space around the Discord logo the following process should be applied: Step 1 Pick the letter ‘o’ Step 2 x x/2 Rotate it 90 degrees Step 2 Duplicate it x = d or Disc 15

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline 11 22 The Icon: Clyde We use Clyde as a standalone brand element, as well as part of the logo. By doing so, it creates a strong and distinctive brand symbol. Clyde should be used as the reduced form of our logo in tight spaces. Using it associated with blurple, our primary brand color, should always be the favourite option. For any other use cases, a monochrome version is allowed too. Usage hierarchyQ 0M White Clyde on a blurple background
 Preferred optionM 'M Blurple Clyde on a white background
 To be used when option one is not working outM 33 44 #M White Clyde on a black background
 Whenever incorporating blurple is not an option, our preferred option is a white version of Clyde on a black backgroundM "M Black Clyde on a white background
 Used when a white version of Clyde is not working. Download icon files d or Disc 16

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline The Icon: Clyde expressions Our icon comes to life as a real character through a range of different facial expressions. Clyde is able to express a wide range of emotions by only a slight change in the shape of his eyes. What’s Clyde really thinking though? The world may never know. Download icon expressions files d or Disc 17

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline 1 2 wordmark We prefer to use our logo with Clyde included. However, some use cases will steer you towards the sole use of the wordmark. For example, this may happen when Clyde is used elsewhere in the layout. Here are four ways of using our wordmarkN 7N White wordmark on a blurple background
 Preferred optionN 'N Blurple wordmark on a white background
 To be used when option one is not working outN "N White wordmark on a black background (small version)
 Whenever incorporating blurple is not an option, one should always fallback on a white version of the wordmark on a black background.

 Note that for smaller sizes we have optimised the kerning to 3 4 increase legibility. This would be used for placement below 80px 15px (60pt x 11.25pt)N N Black wordmark on a white background (small version)
 Used when a white version of the wordmark is not working. Download wordmark files d or Disc 18

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline 1 2 Placement logo When it comes to logo placement, we have a few options listed on this page. Whenever’s possible, place the logo centered in the bottom of the layout. However, you might sometimes need to give the rest of the content more space, thus move the logo elsewhere. In this scenario, here are a few examples on how to work with itR .R Portrait
 Our default option would be to place our logo in 3 center-bottom of the layoutR 7R Logo animated
 When working with animated and masked compositions, we prefer to combine our tagline and logo in the centre to give them maximum visibilityR $R Landscape
 When working with a key visual and text on landscape layouts, we prefer to place our logo in the bottom-right corner of the layoutR !R Landscape wide
 When working with extra wide landscape layouts, we prefer to place our logo to the right, vertically centered. 4 d or Disc 19

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline Placement tagline 1 2 3 We prefer to devide our tagline ‘Imagine a Place’ into two lines. By doing so, it creates a strong and compact visual element. Imagine Here are some use cases for how to work with our tagline.A a Place where 6P Tagline only (portrait)
 sample Imagine When working with the tagline only, place it in the center of copy a Place the layoutP becomes real +P Tagline and key visual
 Imagine a Place When working with the tagline and the creative canvas, the content will push the tagline down and place it right above the logoP 4 ,P Tagline integrated with text
 5 The tagline is sometimes integrated into the headline in the layout. In this case, the tagline shouldn’t be repeated a second timeP Imagine a Place %P Tagline animated
 Imagine a Place When working with animated and masked compositions, combine tagline and logo in the center to give them maximum visibilityP 6 XP Tagline only (landscape)
 When working with animated and masked compositions, combine tagline and logo in the center to give them maximum visibilityP Imagine a Place $P Tagline only (extra wide)
 When working with extra wide layouts, put the tagline on one line to ensure the best legibility and to make a bold statement. d or Disc 20

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline placement logo & 
 tagline Whenever the logo and tagline are used together, follow the same grid as the clear space lockup. x/2 x The text size of ‘Imagine a Place’ is defined by the x-height of 1 the wordmarkO *O Vertical logo & tagline LockuG )O Horizontal logo & tagline lockup IMAGINE A PLACE The vertical logo and tagline lockup is our default option. x However, when working with small heights, use the horizontal alternative. x x/2 x 2 x = IMAGINE A PLACE d or Disc 21

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline placement partner & sponsors When combining the Discord logo with other logos, it’s important to make sure there is enough spacing provided between the logos. The logos should be separated by a 1px x x/2 x x x white stroke< 1 ,< Horizontal partnership locku7 )< Square Partnership Lockup x x = x x/2 x x 2 x/2 x d or Disc 22

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline usage color combinations The default version of the Discord logo uses our primary brand color blurple. However, the logo can live with different colors. Here, you will find an overview of possible color combinations. For more information around color combinations see page 32. d or Disc 23

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline 1 2 Usage successful Discord · Imagine a place logo examples Here are some recommended examples of how the Discord logo should be integratede Download Why Discord? Nitro 6e Use the preferred logo
 Our preferred logo consists of our symbol and wordmark associated to blurple, the core brand color, and with the right amount of whitespacee qe Use the icon by itself and the smaller version of the logo in tight places 
 In formats with limited space, use the smaller version of our logo (<80x15) to improve legibility. For favicons we prefer to use our symbol onlye -e Use the Discord logo on top of key visuals
 4 4 Only place the logo on-top of key visuals when the space allows it and when it’s legiblee *e Use the Discord logo when first introducing the brand
 Version 1.0 For example on covers. Brand guidelines d or Disc 24

02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline 1 2 Usage unsuccessful logo examples Feeling quirky today? Save it for your late night chat on Discord, but please don’t mess with our logo. Avoid the examples mentioned below at all times. 1. Don’t go crazy with your color mix For more guidance around which colors are allowed, see page 32. 2. Don’t apply effects Glowing edges, drop shadows and gradients are forbidden. 3. Don’t twist and turn the Discord logo around
 Use it within the provided ratios. 4. Don’t stack the elements of the Discord logo
 3 4 Also no other color combinations are allowed besides the ones provided in these guidelines. d or Disc 25

03 brand colors

Discord Brand Book - Page 26

03 brand colors DISCORD BLURPLE Blurple is the core color of Discord, it’s the one color that holds most brand equity and which current users assocciate with the brand. Blurple HEX 5865F2 RGB 88, 101, 242 d CMYK 80, 60, 0, 0 or PMS 2726 C Disc 27

03 brand colors BRAND COLOR PALETTE The brand color palette is meant to bridge marketing communications and product interface in order to enhance familiarity and visual recognition. The blurple, green and red are closely tied to the colors you see in product, while yellow and fuchsia are brought in to represent Yellow Green Fuchsia Blurple the colorful content from the users. HEX FEE75C HEX EB459E HEX 57F287 HEX 5865F2 RGB 254, 231, 92 RGB 235, 69, 158 RGB 87, 242, 135 RGB 88, 101, 242 CMYK 0, 5, 80, 0 CMYK 0, 90, 0, 0 CMYK 50, 0, 55, 0 CMYK 80, 60, 0, 0 PMS 102 C PMS Pantone rhodamine red PMS 3385 C PMS 2726 C Red White Black HEX ED4245 HEX FFFFFF HEX 23272A RGB 237, 66, 69 RGB 255, 255, 255 RGB 35, 39, 42 CMYK 0, 90, 65, 0 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0 CMYK 35, 0, 0, 100 PMS 032 C PMS 0 PMS 426 C Download RGB & CMYK Adobe swatches d or Disc 28

03 brand colors USAGE Applying Colors Pairing colors is a tricky task, and there are colors that work better together than others. ? ? d or Disc 29

04 brand colors USAGE Suggested color pairings Here is a collection of suggested color pairings. These colors work well on-top of each other and provide enough contrast for Blurple + White Blurple + Black Blurple + Green the reader. Blurple + Yellow Fuchsia + White Fuchsia + Yellow d or Red + White Disc 30

03 brand colors USAGE color pairings TO AVOID Here are color pairings to avoid when creating layouts. Blurple + Fuchsia Fuchsia + Green Yellow + Green These colors don’t work well when text is applied on top of them. It might happen to use green on yellow when bringing in DON’t USE DON’t USE DON’t USE product interface. That is tolerated since that module is not the essential information of the layout. Avoid using this combination as These two colors are too These two colors are too similar it’s too hard to read. vibrant when combined, when combined and don’t create creating an uncomfortable enough contrast. reading experience. White + Yellow Fuchsia + Red DON’t USE DON’t USE These two colors are too similar These two colors are too similar when combined and don’t create when combined and don’t create enough contrast. enough contrast. d or Disc 31

03 brand colors USAGE Suggested color SCHEMES Here are the color schemes that successfully work well with the brand palette. Blurple + White + Green Blurple + White + Yellow Please note that the order of these layers matters and cannot Fuchsia + White + Yellow be shuffled around. 
 Decorative Color Text Color Background Color Yellow + Blurple + White Green + White + Blurple Red + White + Yellow d or Disc 32

03 brand colors USAGE color Schemes TO AVOID Here are color pairings to avoid when creating layouts. These colors don’t work well when text is applied on top of them. It might happen to use green on yellow when bringing in product interface. That is tolerated since that module is not the essential information of the layout. Blurple + Fuchsia + Red Yellow + Fuchsia + Red DON’t USE DON’t USE These colors simply don’t provide enough contrast. These colors simply don’t provide enough contrast. d or Disc 33

03 brand colors USAGE How to pick a 1 color scheme → imagine a place where friendship is not a request. it just sorta happens. Yellow + White + Blurple 81 14 To pick the right color scheme can be a tricky task with all the color options you might have. Here are a few rules that will create a harmonious layoutG ;8 For illustrations using many colors, here blurple, fuchsia and green. 
 Do not use the same color for both the background of the illustration and the background of the layout. Here, blurple is out.
 Keep an eye on the illustration elements breaking the frame and overlapping the layout. Here, the balloon dog is in 2 fuchsia, so fuchsia can not be used as the layout → background. 
 If an illustration element if far from the edge, here the green cactus, it doesn’t affect the color choice.
 Blurple + White + Yellow That leaves us with either yellow or green for the backgroundG "8 For illustrations with one dominant color, here fuchsia.
 In this illustration, fuchsia is clearly the main color used. Do not use fuschia as the background colour of your layout, as it will blend in with the illustrationG 28 For illustrations with many colors, here yellow, green and blurple
 In this illustration it’s best to use a color that gives enough contrast with the background. Here, fuchsia or green would 3 → be an option. imagine a place to enjoy cookies without spilling your data. Fuchsia + White + Yellow d 72 72 or Disc 34

1 03 brand colors USAGE USER INTERFACE COLORS It is crucial that the interface elements used in our communications stay true to the original interface on the where product. Colors always have to be adjusted accordingly to the friendship product+ is not a request. It 5. User status
 just sorta An active or online user is always indicated with green color in different graphic variations.
 happens. Use the red color to show a user on a “Do Not Disturb” @Gregz#2347 status.
 55 43 Use yellow for “Idle” and Black for “Invisible”+ . Server channel
 Keep the server channels either in white or black. Invert the content color to black or white according to which background color is used. Use green for user status and red for LIVE badge. 2 Space City Space City Allan Allan Katelin LIVE LIVE Katelin Mary Mary Conner Conner d or Disc 35

03 brand colors USAGE USER INTERFACE COLORS 4 5 CONTinued 4.]k Server channel
 When showing a server channel you should always have circles above and below for horizontal formats and to the left and right for vertical formats. These are made by using 25% opacity Black with the Multiply layer styleQ Jk Call buttons
 5. Always use white icons on black or red background for the 6 call buttons. This can’t be inverted. Watch out for using fuchsia background when showing call buttons as the red can blend into the backgroundQ 3k Reactions
 6. 43 28 Use mainly white text on a 25% transparent white background for the Reactions. If they are on yellow background, use 60% transparent white background on Blurple text. When using emojis, always keep in mind the background color of the layout to achieve optimum contrast and legibility. 43 28 d or Disc 36

03 brand colors 1 2 USAGE SUCCESSFUL Color usage imagine falling down a rabbit Imagine a hole and all place where Here are a few examples of how to use the brand colors in a your friends friendship is not a request. are there. correct mannerL It just sorta @FIDGET_M #0000 happens. 34 30 73 This execution uses a suggested color scheme. Text in white 43 23 gives the highest contrast3 32 30 $3 This execution uses a suggested color scheme. Text in white @Gregz#2347 gives the highest contrast3 J3 When creating an animated communication, make sure to always use the same color scheme throughout3 !3 When a communication is quite dense with elements, it’s important to keep it clean in terms of color. This execution is using a recommended color scheme which helps it do so. 3 4 Imagine The slow cooker not of chats: trying the more random to fit in, stuff you you just throw in, the do. better. 43 13 12 44 @Gregz#2347 @Gregz#2347 d or Disc 37

03 brand colors 1 2 USAGE UNSUCCESSFUL color usage imagine falling down a rabbit IImmaaggiinnee aa hole and all ppllaaccee wwhheerree Here are a few executions to avoid* your friends ffrriieennddsshhiipp iiss FPO nnoott aa rreeqquueesstt.. are there. IItt jjuusstt ssoorrttaa @FIDGET_M #0000 E? Using a color scheme that’s not suggested can result in hhaappppeennss.. 34 30 readability issues.2 4343 2323 ,? While these colors contrast each other well, white should 32 30 be avoided as background color in brand communications. @Gregz#2347 This execution also tweaks the original product interface, which should be avoided? $? In an animated communication made of multiple frames, do not mix more than one color scheme? #? Do not use color to highlight words in text. 3 4 The slow Imagine cooker not of chats: the more trying random to fit in, stuff you you just throw in, do. the better. 43 13 43 13 @Gregz#2347 d or Disc 38

03 brand colors 1 2 USAGE Community pattern The Community Pattern is representing many users at once and is playing multiple roles in the brand design language. imagine a Here are the color rules for the pattern< place where friendship is not a request. C2 Always use a white Community Pattern underneath it just sorta content. we don’t want the pattern to take over the actual happens. content, nor the text in the execution2 72 72 "2 When using the Community Pattern on its own, feel free to use a color from your current color scheme and fill some circles with avatars to highlight users in your storytelling2 2 The Community Pattern behind content should always be in white2 3 4 2 This Community Pattern is using colors outside of the color scheme and mixing them all together. This creates an inelegant and misleading representation of the community. imagine a place where friendship is not a request. it just sorta happens. 72 72 d or Disc 39

04 Typography

Discord Brand Book - Page 40

04 typography Typefaces Our typography consists of two font families, Ginto Nord and Whitney. Primary Typeface: Ginto Nord Our primary typeface is Ginto Nord, an exuberant geometric-humanist typeface that delights in tension, GINTO especially its own tension between circular and rectangular forms. The font is developed while researching sans-serif typefaces from the twentieth century, focusing on the shift from strict Modernist “purity” to the more baroque, animated styles that emerged during the phototypesetting period of the ’50s and ’60s. These two historic impulses have been remixed to create a dynamic and charismatic set of forms. NORD Secondary Typeface: Whitney Primary Typeface: Ginto Nord Our secondary typeface is Whitney. It bridges the divide between editorial mainstays such as News Gothic (1908), which is an American gothic typeface, and signage application standards such as Frutiger (1975), which is a European humanist typeface. Moreover, “its compact forms and broad x-height use space efficiently, and its ample counters and open Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex shapes make it clear under any circumstances.” vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, Fallback fonts felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat vestibulum magna, in pharetra justo metus quis lorem. Whenever it’s not possible to use our font families, the Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. following alternative options should be used. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etiam tincidunt metus at diam dictum scelerisque. Ginto Nord could be replaced with Poppins Black (all caps). Secondary Typeface: Whitney Whitney could be replaced with Roboto Normal. Download fonts d or Disc 41

04 typography typestyles GINTO Our typestyles consists of headlines styles & a paragraph style. NORD Headlines We always use Ginto Nord for our headline style, since it’s our primary typeface. Headlines are always written in uppercase, and could be applied as Ultra, Primary or Secondary titles. ULTRA For more guidance around line heights, see next page+ Ultra Headline | Example: 90pt / Line-height 80% with some copy, 95% with a bit more copy / Letter-spacing 0% S Ultra Headline
 Typeface: Ginto Nord
 Font-weight: Ultra
 To be used for short and large headlines as for instance tagline.H 【 】( )〔 〕 · × : & ? ● ◆ → ↘ ↓ ↗ S Primary Headline
 Typeface: Ginto Nord 
 0123456789 Font-weight: Black
 Primary Headline | Example: 50pt / Line-height: 90% with some copy, 110% with a bit more copy / Letter-spacing 0% To be used for all headlines+ S Secondary Headline
 GINTO NORD MEDIUM Typeface: Whitney
 【 】()〔〕 · × : & ? ● ◆ → ↘ ↓ ↗ 0123456789 Font-weight: Book, Book Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic
 Secondary Headline | Example: 24pt/ Line-height 90% / Letter-spacing 0% To be used in combination with the primary headline. Paragraphs Whitney - Book, Book Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic
 For our paragraph style we always use Whitney to achieve the Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex best legibility. This applies to all supporting text as well. vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis lorem. Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etiam tincidunt metus at diam dictum scelerisque. d or Paragraph Text | Example: 15pt / Line-height: 130% / Letter-spacing 0%
 Disc 42

04 typography Usage
 line heights Applying the right line height is important since it creates a cohesive and legible reading experience. In the next pages we explain how our typestyles are setup for success. GINTO NORD d or ULTRA Disc 43

04 typography 1 2 Usage
 line heights 
 Lorem & rules for headlines ipsum Lorem dolor sit ipsum Our headline fonts work best with less than 100% line height, alor si because it is important to give it a compact feeling. However, sometimes we need a bit more line height to increase legibility. consec. To do so, the following rules should be applied< 0H Ultra Headline - Short copy
 Ginto Nord Ultra / 80% line heighX $H Ultra Headline - Longer copy
 Ginto Nord Ultra / 95% line heighX "H Primary Headline - Short copy
 Ginto Nord Black / 90% line heighX 3 4 !H Primary Headline - Longer copy
 Ginto Nord Black / 110% line height OREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET CONSECT ETUR ADIPISCING ELIT. Lorem ipsum dolor sit alor ALIQUAM CONSEC amet consectetur TETUR ODIO QUIS adipiscing elit. MAGNA PLACERAT ULLAMCORPER UT EU DOLOR. d or Disc 44

04 typography 2 1 Usage
 line heights & rules for Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. paragraphs Sed et vehicula est. In eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula est. In erat quis ex vestibulum eget erat quis ex vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper pretium in eu augue. Proin ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed For our paragraph style we should always follow a line-height of fringilla ullamcorper ligula, dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, felis sed convallis 135%. vitae vehnt pellentesque, pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis lorem. Morbi nec magna felis sed convallis pellen
 a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. It’s also important to apply the right length for paragraph text. tesqu icula lacus vulputate Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in Generally a line of type in a paragraph should be between 50 eget. Nunc mauris dui, elementum libero est ut odio. Etia metus at diam dictum scelerisque. and 75 characters long, or about 11 words in English0 tristique sed dignissim Curabitur iaculis viverra fermentum. Suspendisse consectetur ornare justo. vitae, dignissim sed orci. F0 Right text widt? Praesent pellentesque, felis !0 Too narro5 sed convallis pellentesque, -0 Too wide odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis lorem. 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis lorem. Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etiam tincidunt metus at diam dictum scelerisque. Curabitur iaculis viverra fermentum. Suspendisse consectetur ornare. d or Disc 45

04 typography 1 2 Usage
 Lorem Lorem text lockups ipsum ipsum dolor sit A few examples on how to combine our headlines styles and Lorem ipsum dolor sit alor si paragraph style. amet consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula est. consec. In eget erat quis ex vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla !' Ultra, primary headline, body tex5 ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, ' Ultra (adjusted line height), body tex5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula est. felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis In eget erat quis ex vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla lorem. Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis ' Label, secondary headline, body tex5 ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, 8' Ultra, secondary headline commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etia felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis metus at diam dictum scelerisque. Curabitur iaculis viverra fermentum. lorem. Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis Suspendisse consectetur ornare justo. lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etia metus at diam dictum scelerisque. Curabitur iaculis viverra fermentum. Suspendisse consectetur ornare justo. 3 4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex Lorem vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper ipsum ligula vitae vehicula lacus vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula est. consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed In eget erat quis ex vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis fringilla ullamcorper ligula vitae lorem. Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis vehicula lacus vulputate. lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etia metus at diam dictum scelerisque. Curabitur iaculis viverra fermentum. Suspendisse consectetur ornare justo. d or Disc 46

Vivamus suscipit 04 typography elit non dignissim Usage Tweak the tincidunt ex sem 1 , Vivamus suscipit comma in the elit non dignissim headlines , , tincidunt ex sem et dignissim elit , et dignissim elit When writing primary headlines with commas, please manually scelerisque erat adjust the baseline of the comma.' scelerisque erat sem in metus. %+ In this example the comma has been slightly moved up to clear up some space from the letters below. This brings sem in metus. clear legibility to all letters in the text+ + This is the original baseline for the comma when it’s not being moved up. The commas blend in with the letters underneath, disrupting legibility. Vivamus suscipit, elit non dignissim tincidunt, ex sem 2 Vivamus suscipit, elit non dignissim tincidunt, ex sem et dignissim elit, et dignissim elit, scelerisque erat sem in metus. scelerisque erat d or sem in metus. Disc 47

04 typography 1 Usage Styling user quotes Vivamus suscipit elit There are two styles to chose from when featuring a user quote non dignissim risque in a layout4 erat sem in metus. H6 Quote with avatar
 Show the user avatar next to the quote as your preferred #0000 @Gregz 43 23 option whenever possible. Hide the quotation marks since it’s clear that it’s coming from a user. Do not forget the users name and tag below, together with reactions6 6 Quote without avatar
 When the user avatar isn’t available, fall back on this option. Then we simple add quotation marks to the quote. Please note that the opening mark should be hanging in order to align the text with the other elements. 2 “Vivamus suscipit elit non dignissim risque erat sem in metus. “ #0000 @Gregz 43 23 d or Disc 48

04 typography USAGE Text Placement 1 2 There are a few simple rules when designing layouts. We always want to keep the text-layout simple to allow for the content to be the main focus@ 2@ Text-only Layout - Center aligned
 Our text should be placed in the centre when used in a text only layout@ $@ Portrait-ratio Layout - Below the creative canvas
 In portrait ratios, text will be placed below the visual, aligned in the centre@ 4 @ Landscape-ratio Layout - Next to the Creative Canvas
 3 In landscape ratios text will be placed right next to the visual, aligned to the left@ @ Part of a story
 The text placement is allowed to be more dynamic when it adds value. For example, when talking about chat functionality in layouts. d or Disc 49

04 typography 1 2 Usage succeSsful type variations Stack me up Here are a few examples on how to use our text styles Imagine butter successfullyL a Place cup This is an IMAGINE A 49 Line-height and stacking
 example of PLACE WHERE a headline Text is centrally aligned when used as standalone content9 EVERYBODY placement KNOWS YOUR icw a visual SCREEN NAME. ]9 Give whitespace
 22 45 Enought whitespace has been applied to let the text breathe9 ,9 Text next to key visual
 Working together to create a strong layout9 #9 Text used as part of a story
 Creates a dynamic layout. 3 4 Today at 9:18 AM Shawn Imagine a group hug 
 from the internet. Imagine a 43 28 place to talk Imagine fresh cuts, FPO Today at 9:18 AM Gregz a Place deep cuts, or I’m here how you like for a cold cuts. good 
 16 25 cuddle puddle. Today at 9:19 AM moongirl yassssss d or Disc 50

04 typography 1 1 Usage Squad fill unsucceSsful with people you’ll want type variations to talk to 23 48 Here are a few type variations examples to avoidH TP Don’t warp the text
 Ginto Nord Ultra header should always be aligned in the centre of layout. In no way should still text be modified or distorted. In the intro or outro of animations, the type could be transformed, but when it lands it should always be presented centered and free of distortionsP +P Apply the right text style setting 
 Provided line heights and kerning should always be applied to create consistencyP &P Don’t combine text styles within sentences
 When using full sentences, never mix various text styles 3 4 within the same sentenceP #P Freeze the text on motion frames
 Today at 9:18 AM Shawn In motion we distort the elements on the screen, but we Imagine a never use that for static layouts. group hug 
 from the imagine 
 internet. a place 
 43 28 Imagine a to enjoy to talk place cookies fresh cuts, deep Today at 9:18 AM Gregz without cuts, or how spilling you like cold I’m here cuts your data. for a 72 72 16 25 good 
 cuddle puddle. Today at 9:19 AM moongirl yassssss d or Disc 51

04 typography 3d type variations We use 3D type animations for special occasions, aiming to create variety to our layouts and celebrate key moments and communities. It should always be used with purpose and part of 1 2 a bigger initiative. Either combined with supporting visuals or text. Example variationF O Art Base9 O Prid@ LO Sleep DaJ O Dog Day 1 3 4 d or Disc 52

05 Brand
 in use

Discord Brand Book - Page 53

 IT JUST SORTA HAPPENS. 72 48 d or Disc 54

d or Disc 55

d or Disc 56

Imagine a place where friendship is not a request. 
 It just sorta happens. 55 43 d or Disc 57

05 brand in use / community LINES Lorem ipsum It's like hanging with your friends minus the bunk beds. 12 11 d or Disc 58

it’s like hanging with friends minus the 
 bunk beds. 16 43 d or Disc 59

d or Disc 60

05 brand in use / user quotes imagine a place where happy accidents become masterpieces. @naviking#0000 23 34 d or Disc 61

Learn more imagine a place it’s like school on a sundae. @omukade#0000 15 22 d or Disc 62

d or Disc 63

10 BRAND IN USE 05 brand in use / chat DIALOG CHAT DIALOG EXECUTIONS Lorem ipsum Today at 9:18 AM Shawn Imagine a group hug 
 from the internet. 56 43 Today at 9:18 AM Moongirl yassssss d or Disc 64

05 brand in use / audio DIALOG Imagine a Place d or Disc 65

d or Disc 66

05 brand in use / end cards in animation Imagine Imagine a Place a Place WUMPUS Imagine Imagine a Place a Place d or Disc 67

d or Disc 68

05 brand in use / stationery d or Disc 69

d or Disc 70

d or Disc 71

Discord brand guidelines asset 
 library Download Discord brand design

Discord Brand Book - Page 72

Discord brand guidelines Questions? For any questions regarding the brand guidelines, 
 please contact one of the Discord design teams. [email protected]

Discord Brand Book - Page 74