01 INTRODUCTION / TONE OF VOICE Imagine a place NARRATED by us Hello intrepid traveler on the road to discovering Discord’s tone Protagonist and voice. As you know Discord is an absolutely awesome place. At any Belonging given point, discussions range from whether a hotdog is a sandwich, which Pokémon would be the most likely to work at the DMV, whether or not mentos are a real thing, if eating plain toast is a sign of being genius, to regular old homework chat, streaming gameplay and long convos over movies and wholesome talks just about everything. There’s no place like it on the internet and there shouldn’t be any place that sounds like us either. It’s quite a challenge and an honor. Which is why when we write, we should “Imagine a Place” where copy feels as unique and interesting as the people, convos, and experiences on Discord. But wait! There’s more. (That should be read in a made for TV ad voice). Antagonist Isolation Download Messaging Guidelines d or Disc 10