04 typography Typefaces Our typography consists of two font families, Ginto Nord and Whitney. Primary Typeface: Ginto Nord Our primary typeface is Ginto Nord, an exuberant geometric-humanist typeface that delights in tension, GINTO especially its own tension between circular and rectangular forms. The font is developed while researching sans-serif typefaces from the twentieth century, focusing on the shift from strict Modernist “purity” to the more baroque, animated styles that emerged during the phototypesetting period of the ’50s and ’60s. These two historic impulses have been remixed to create a dynamic and charismatic set of forms. NORD Secondary Typeface: Whitney Primary Typeface: Ginto Nord Our secondary typeface is Whitney. It bridges the divide between editorial mainstays such as News Gothic (1908), which is an American gothic typeface, and signage application standards such as Frutiger (1975), which is a European humanist typeface. Moreover, “its compact forms and broad x-height use space efficiently, and its ample counters and open Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex shapes make it clear under any circumstances.” vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, Fallback fonts felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat vestibulum magna, in pharetra justo metus quis lorem. Whenever it’s not possible to use our font families, the Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. following alternative options should be used. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etiam tincidunt metus at diam dictum scelerisque. Ginto Nord could be replaced with Poppins Black (all caps). Secondary Typeface: Whitney Whitney could be replaced with Roboto Normal. Download fonts d or Disc 41

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