04 typography typestyles GINTO Our typestyles consists of headlines styles & a paragraph style. NORD Headlines We always use Ginto Nord for our headline style, since it’s our primary typeface. Headlines are always written in uppercase, and could be applied as Ultra, Primary or Secondary titles. ULTRA For more guidance around line heights, see next page+ Ultra Headline | Example: 90pt / Line-height 80% with some copy, 95% with a bit more copy / Letter-spacing 0% S Ultra Headline
 Typeface: Ginto Nord
 Font-weight: Ultra
 To be used for short and large headlines as for instance tagline.H 【 】( )〔 〕 · × : & ? ● ◆ → ↘ ↓ ↗ S Primary Headline
 Typeface: Ginto Nord 
 0123456789 Font-weight: Black
 Primary Headline | Example: 50pt / Line-height: 90% with some copy, 110% with a bit more copy / Letter-spacing 0% To be used for all headlines+ S Secondary Headline
 GINTO NORD MEDIUM Typeface: Whitney
 【 】()〔〕 · × : & ? ● ◆ → ↘ ↓ ↗ 0123456789 Font-weight: Book, Book Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic
 Secondary Headline | Example: 24pt/ Line-height 90% / Letter-spacing 0% To be used in combination with the primary headline. Paragraphs Whitney - Book, Book Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic
 For our paragraph style we always use Whitney to achieve the Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et vehicula est. In eget erat quis ex best legibility. This applies to all supporting text as well. vestibulum pretium in eu augue. Proin fringilla ullamcorper ligula, vitae vehicula lacus vulputate eget. Nunc mauris dui, tristique sed dignissim vitae, dignissim sed orci. Praesent pellentesque, felis sed convallis pellentesque, odio erat v pharetra justo metus quis lorem. Morbi nec magna a mi venenatis finibus id ut nulla. Nulla quis lobortis quam, at rutrum diam. Nullam accumsan, tellus in volutpat commodo, dolor sem fringilla ante, in elementum libero est ut odio. Etiam tincidunt metus at diam dictum scelerisque. d or Paragraph Text | Example: 15pt / Line-height: 130% / Letter-spacing 0%
 Disc 42

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