57 Enabling systems change (continued) Driving collective action We partner with like-minded companies and leading scientific organiz ations to develop and deliver research, guidance, and implem entation roadmaps that enable all businesses to solve water challenges. CEO Water Mandate and Water Resilience Coalition Acknowledging the importance of collective action and collaboration to solve shared water challenges, Microsoft has endorsed the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, an initiative in co-Secretariat with the Pacific Institute, si nce 2018. In 2020, Microsoft and six other companies, t ogether with the UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, spearheaded the establishment of the industry-driven Water Resilience Coalition (WRC). Microsoft serves as a Coalition leader and has pledged its commitment to collective action, net positive water impact, resilient value chain, and global leadership. We are committed to working with the Water Resilience Coalition and its more than 30 members to make progress against the WRC’s 2030 roadmap for collective action. Microsoft is also advancing the development of tools and resources to enable companies to step forward by assessing and improving their water stewardship actions in partnership with the CEO Water Mandate. Water Action Hub Plat form 4.0 was first presente d during the 2021 World Water Week, was developed by the CEO Wat er Mandate and made possible with support from Microsoft. This latest version of the hub connects more than 1,500 projects with over 1,000 partner organizations worldwide. It also helps direct users to water tools by Ecolab, WWF, WRI, and other leading organizations. Nature-Based Soluti ons Tool is a web-based tool developed to serve as a key starting point for organizations looking to invest in nature-based solut ions (NBS) , and for those wishing to learn more about benefit identification and accounting. The tool was developed based on and in accord ance with the published Benefit Accountin g of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds Guide . California Water Action Collaborative Convened and facilitated by Ag Innovations, the California Water A ction Collaborative (CWAC) is a network for divers e stakeholders to come together and pursue collective action projects that will improve California’s water resilience for people, business, agriculture, and nature. 1,500 The Water Action Hub platform connects 1,500 projects with 1,000 partner organizations worldwide. Advocating for water Governments play a fundamental role in ensuring the availability of safe and clean drinking water, maintaining and expanding water infrastructure, protecting critical water ecosystems, and responding to water crises. As a leading company committed to using its voice for policy, Microsoft has engaged in the following activities. Promoting US water infrastructure and resilience Microsoft advocated for clean energy and environmental provisions in the US I nfrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which commit s over $8 billion for western water infrastructur e and significant funding for water-related and other resilie nce efforts. Supporting WaterEurope In 2020, Microsoft joined WaterEurope, the leading association in Europe focused on technology and innovation aspects of water, with a focus on digital water. We have called for the inclusion of water-related topics in EU polices, such as water infrastructure into the COVID-19 recovery packages. Governments play a key role in ensuring the availability of safe and clean water. $8B The US Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act commits over $8 billion for western water infrastructure and significant funding for water-related and other resilience efforts.