Getting to water positive (continued) Improving access to water With 1.1 billion people in the world without access to clean water, it’s not enough to simply reduce and replenish—we need to improve people’s access to safe, clean water. Our goal is to provide access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation solutions for 1.5 million people while accounting for 25 billion liters of net positive water impact in high-stress watersheds where we also operate, namely India, Indonesia, and Mexico, by 2030. Progressing towards our goal with In 2020, we began our work with to help people living in u nderserved communities gain lasting and reliable access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation solutions. This includes household taps and toilets, piped connections, rainwater harvesting, water storage, purifi cation, and community filtration. In FY21, we helped more th an 95,000 people in India and Indonesia 10 and expect to reach at least 840,000 people by Septembe r 2023. Nearly all the beneficiaries are women and live below t he poverty line. These programs account for over 670 million liters of water benefit per year in areas f acing water scarcity and climate challenges that over lap with our business operations in strategic locations. 9 95,000 Through our partnership with , we provided more than 9 5,000 people with access to safe water or sanitation. 670M Programs run through account for over 670 million lite rs of water benefit per yea r. Affordable water and sanitation loans in India for piped water in homes. Providing safe water and improved sanitation in India In Rasulpur Aul Kendrapara, houses are made of thatch, mud, and concrete, and rarely have water or sanitation connections. Rehana and her daughter used to walk up to six hours a day to get water for cooking, laundry, and baths from an unreliable hand-pump managed by the government. On days it was unavailable, they collected water from the river or purchased it from a vendor, paying high prices for water in time and money. Families like Rehana’s find the small water and sanitation loans offered by ’s partners in India to be affordable, practical solutions to their fam ily’s water and sanitation needs. Rehana learned that she could make affordable payments to establish a water connection and was approved for a loan to construct a piped water connection from the municipal water line to her home. Now the family enjoys access to safe water and improved sanitation at home. 52 Affordable water and sanitation loans in India for piped water in homes.

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