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Key manufacturing metrics (wholly owned or controlled production facilities globally) * In thousands, except rate data 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Energy usage rate (GJ/metric ton of product) 1.91 1.89 1.91 1.95 1.92 Energy usage (GJ)  9,787   9,051  9,385 10,052 10,201 GHG emissions rate (metric tons CO 2 e/ metric tons of product)** 0.165 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.08 GHG emissions (Scopes 1 and 2)** (metric tons CO 2 e)  831  811 812 633 446    Scope 1 (metric tons CO 2 e)  254  267 274 303 334    Scope 2 (metric tons CO 2 e)**  576  511 511 330 112 Water consumption rate (cubic meters/ metric ton of product) 2.99 2.85 2.72 2.76 2.56 Water consumption (cubic meters) 15,100 13,604 13,367 14,260 13,607    Groundwater (cubic meters)  6,400  5,772 5,545 5,714 5,226    Municipal (cubic meters) 8,700 7,832 7,822 8,498 8,369 Solid waste generation rate (metric tons/metric ton of product)*** 0.045 0.065 0.061 0.064 0.063 Solid waste (metric tons)***  228 309 299 329 337 Food waste (metric tons)**** 2.24 1.71 Percentage of owned production facilities that achieved zero waste to landfill***** (%) 14% 20% 24% 30% 28% *Data in this table is reported on a fiscal year basis and represent wholly owned or controlled production facilities globally. Past fiscal years have not been adjusted for acquisitions or divestitures. Some data are restated compared to reporting in prior years to reflect improvements in data gathering and tracking methodologies. Beginning in 2019, data reflects the acquisition of Blue Buffalo Pet Products, Inc., completed in April 2018. **Scope 2 GHG emissions data were calculated using the location-based method from 2017-2019 and the market-based method (applying RECS and European Residual Mix Factors) in 2020 and 2021. These data were externally verified for 2015- 2019 by Bureau Veritas, and for 2020-2021 by Apex Companies LLC. ***Solid waste data is from production and excludes waste associated with construction as well as nonproduction activities such as new product trials. **** General Mills defines food waste following the Food Loss & Waste Protocol Standard and the baseline year for our goal reduction is fiscal 2020 (not reported for earlier years). ****These facilities sent no waste to landfill or incineration without energy recovery. Data includes facilities that were operating at the end of the relevant fiscal year. Location Energy attribute certificates (GJ)* Total electricity use** % renewable electricity*** Type United States and Canada 2,550,780 3,782,592 69% RECs (VPPA) Europe 491,991 538,902 91% Guarantee of Origin All other geographies 0 507,597 n/a Total General Mills 3,042,771 4,829,091 63% *Certificates to prove renewable energy consumption. One (1) EAC represents one (1) MWh of renewable electricity generated. **Scope includes all globally o wned General Mills facilities (Manufacturing, R&D, Offices, Warehouses, HD Shops, and Cake Kitchens). ***Aligned with RE100 definition; t otal energy attribute certificates / total electricity use Renewable electricity, fiscal 2021 SBTi Target boundary GHG Protocol Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2020 Scope 1 364,000 335,000 364,000 335,000 Scope 2 (market-based)** 195,000 412,000 195,000 412,000 Scope 3 13,300,000 12,800,000 17,300,000 16,700,000 Total 13,859,000 13,546,000 17,859,000 17,446,000 *See below for GHG calculation methodology and definitions. Scope 1 and 2 totals differ from the Key manufacturing metrics to the left as the data in this table include those locations as well as other wholly owned or controlled facilities globally (such as off ice s and Häagen-Dazs shops) as well as fleet vehicles. ** Ge nera l M ills uses the market-based emissions methodology for Scope 2 emissions, which considers any contractual instrume nts that may b e used in competitive energy markets, such as green tariffs, renewable certificates, or PPAs. Both mar ket-based and location-based emissions are reported in our CDP Climate disclosure.. General Mills GHG emissions by scope (metric tons CO 2 e) * GHG calculation methodology We work with Quantis to cal cul ate our global GHG emissi ons foo tprint each fiscal year, fo llowing the guide lines of the GHG Pro to col Co rporate Accounting and Re porting Standard . This footprint cove rs our co mplete val ue chain. Fo r our 203 0 sci ence-b ased t arg et, we define our emissi ons bound aries in alignment wit h the Sc ience -based Targe t Ini tiat ive (SBTi ): S cop e 1: Di rect gre enhouse (G HG ) emiss ions that occur from sources that are co ntro lled o r owne d by an organiz at ion (e.g ., emissi ons asso ciated with fuel combustion in bo ilers, furnace s, veh icles). Ge neral M ills us es op erat iona l contro l to cate gorize those emissions within its org ani zat ional bounda ry. Sco pe 2: Ind irec t G HG em iss ions asso ciate d with the purcha se of electricity, ste am, he at , or co oling. Genera l Mil ls uses operat ion al co ntro l to cate gorize those emissions within its org ani zat ional b oundar y. General Mills uses the market-based metho dolo gy for cal culation of our Scope 2 emissions, whi ch cons iders any co ntract ual inst rument s that m ay be used in competitive energy marke ts, su ch as green tariffs , renewa ble certifi cates , or PPA s. S cop e 3: Ind irec t G HG em iss ions occu rring fro m assets not owned or controlled by the re porting orga nizat ion, but t hat the orga nizatio n ind ire ctly impacts in its valu e chain. Scope 3 e missio ns include all sources not within an organization’s scope 1 and 2 boundar y, as outlined by the GH G Protoco l. General Mil ls us es operat ional con tro l to categ orize those emissio ns within its org anizat ional boundary. Cons iste nt with SBTi guideli nes, our ta rg ets focu s on the categories of GHG emiss ions that are the most i mpactful and actiona ble for Ge neral M ills, a nd excl ude e miss ions suc h as low- volume ingredi ents, capital good s, employe e comm uting, franchises, downstream warehouse and storag e at retail, consum er trips to store and end of life (cons umer food waste). S cope 1, 2 and 3 data in the above table were externa lly verified b y Apex Companies, LLC, and our verification letter can be found on our w ebsite . We work to continually update our methodology, visibility and accuracy, and update resul ts as appropriate each year. Our Fiscal 2020 baseline will be re-verified if there is a change greater than 5%. Data to be finalized and updated Environmental Data Summary GENERAL MILLS GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY 69

GeneralMills Global Responsibility Report - Page 71 GeneralMills Global Responsibility Report Page 70 Page 72