Endnotes 21. Wheatley, Jonathan, “Out昀氀ows from emerging market bond funds reach $70 billion in 2022”, Financial Times, 2 October 2022. 22. Chabert, Guillaume, Martin Cerisola and Dalia Hakura, "Restructuring debt of poorer nations requires more ef昀椀cient coordination”, IMF Blogs, 7 April 2022. 23. Schnabel, Isabel, Speech: A new age of energy in昀氀ation: climate昀氀ation, fossil昀氀ation, and green昀氀ation, 17 March 2022, speech presented at The ECB and its Watchers XXII Conference, Frankfurt, https:// www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2022/html/ecb.sp220317_2~dbb3582f0a.en.html, accessed 14 November 2022. 24. Leggett, Theo, “Germany takes control of stakes in Rosneft oil re昀椀neries”, BBC, 16 September 2022, https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62924071. 25. Bryan, Kenza and Sarah White, “Total accused of being complicit in Russian war crimes in Ukraine”, Financial Times, 14 October 2022; Gretler, Connie, “Nestle defends its Russia stance saying food is a basic right amid war”, Bloomberg, 7 April 2022. 26. Bounds, Andy, “EU accuses US of breaking WTO rules with green energy incentives”, Financial Times, 6 November 2022. 27. Liu, Qianer, Kathrin Hille and Yuan Yang, “World’s top chip equipment suppliers halt business with China”, Financial Times, 13 October 2022. 28. Farge, Emma, “WTO can reach deals on 'dif昀椀cult' topics by early 2024 - WTO chief”, Reuters, 27 September 2022; Gruszczynski, Lukasz and Margherita Melillo, “The Uneasy Coexistence of Expertise and Politics in the World Health Organization”, International Organisations Law Review, 24 March 2022. 29. Moonakal, Nadeem Ahmed, “The Impact and Implications of China’s Growing In昀氀uence in the Middle East”, The Diplomat, 9 July 2022. 30. 2021 data. World Meterological Organization, Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, 26 October 2022. 31. Davis, James and Robert Bailey, “Missing the Mark”, Oliver Wyman & CDP, 2022, https://www. oliverwyman.com/our-expertise/insights/2022/sep/cdp-temperature-ratings.html. 32. Mulder, Nicholas, The Sanctions Weapon, Finance & Development, June 2022; Papathanasiou, Demetrios, “Renewables are the key to green, secure, affordable energy”, World Bank Blogs, 21 June 2022, https://blogs.worldbank.org/energy/renewables-are-key-green-secure-affordable-energy. 33. Hancock, Alice, “Europe’s new dirty energy: the ‘unavoidable evil’ of wartime fossil fuels”, Financial Times, 6 September 2022. 34. UN Secretary General’s High-Level Expert Group on Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities, Integrity Matters, 8 November 2022, https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/high-level-expert- group. 35. The Economist, Germany faces a looming threat of deindustrialisation, 11 September 2022, https:// www.economist.com/business/2022/09/11/germany-faces-a-looming-threat-of-deindustrialisation?itm_ source=parsely-api. 36. Silke, Andrew and John Morrison, “Gathering Storm: An Introduction to the Special Issue of Climate Change and Terrorism”, Terrorism and Political Violence, vol. 35, iss 5, 5 July 2022, pp. 883-893. 37. For more detail on the complex link between extreme weather events and anthropogenic causes, refer to World Meteorological Organization, Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970–2019), WMO-No. 1267, 2021. 38. Pörtner, Hans-Otto (ed.) et. al, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, IPCC, 2022. 39. Bellon, Matthieu and Emmanuele Massetti, “Economic Principles for Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change into Fiscal Policy”, IMF, March 2022; Pörtner, Hans-Otto (ed.) et. al, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, IPCC, 2022. 40. UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Adaptation Gap Report 2022, 1 November 2022. 41. Bevere, Lucia and Federica Remondi, Sigma: Natural catastrophes in 2021: the 昀氀oodgates are open, Swiss Re Institute, 30 March 2022. 42. Ibid. 43. Formerly described as “Profound social instability” in the GRPS. 44. Ganesh, Janan, “Anarchy is a likelier future for the west than tyranny”, Financial Times, 21 June 2022. 45. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Global Protest Tracker, 2022, November 9, https:// carnegieendowment.org/publications/interactive/protest-tracker. Global Risks Report 2023 27
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