January 2023 Global Risks Report 2023 Overview of methodology The Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS) has Refer to Appendix A: Technical Notes: Global underpinned the Global Risks Report for nearly two Risks Perception Survey 2022-2023 for more decades and is the World Economic Forum’s premier detail, including relevant de昀椀nitions for each of the 32 source of original global risks data. This year’s global risks. GRPS has brought together leading insights on the evolving global risks landscape from over 1,200 To complement GRPS data on global risks, the experts across academia, business, government, the report also draws on the World Economic Forum’s international community and civil society. Responses Executive Opinion Survey (EOS) to identify risks for the GRPS 2022-2023 were collected from 7 that pose the most severe threat to each country September to 5 October 2022. over the next two years, as identi昀椀ed by over 12,000 business leaders in 121 economies. When “Global risk” is de昀椀ned as the possibility of the considered in context with the GRPS, this data occurrence of an event or condition which, if it provides insight into local concerns and priorities occurs, would negatively impact a signi昀椀cant and points to potential “hot spots” and regional proportion of global GDP, population or natural manifestations of global risks. Refer to Appendix resources. The GRPS 2022-2023 included the B: Executive Opinion Survey: National Risk following components: Perceptions for more detail. • Outlook invited respondents to predict global Finally, the report integrates the views of leading volatility to provide context to the evolution of the experts to generate foresight and to support global risks landscape. analysis of the survey data. The Global Risks Report harnesses contributions from over 40 colleagues • Severity assessed the perceived likely impact across the World Economic Forum’s platforms. of global risks over a one-, two- and 10-year Qualitative insights were also collected from over horizon, to illustrate the potential development of 50 experts from across academia, business, individual global risks over time. government, the international community and civil society through community meetings, private • Consequences asked respondents to consider interviews and thematic workshops conducted from potential impacts of a risk arising, to highlight July to November 2022. These include the Global relationships between global risks and the Risks Advisory Board and the Chief Risks Of昀椀cers potential for compounding crises. Community. Refer to Contributors for more detail. • Risk preparedness and governance invited respondents to assess the current effectiveness of the management of global risks and re昀氀ect on which stakeholders are best placed to effectively manage them, to elicit opportunities for global action and collaboration. • Qualitative questions on risks sourced expert knowledge to identify new and emerging risks. Global Risks Report 2023 5

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