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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix a chronically leaking main pipe at our Barcelona, Water Spain, site in 2020. Water withdrawal intensity per Water withdrawal* Water withdrawal by source, 2021* million U.S. dollars of net revenue decreased by cubic meters percentage of total Water withdrawal associated with our operations 12% between 2020 and 2021. makes up 2% of our total water footprint. This is 4,000,000 80 2021 roughly evenly split between direct withdrawal as To decrease and recycle water used at our e Municipal water 87.3% u n described in this section (mainly for use in facilities, we employ capital practices, sustainable e v Wastewater from another organization** 12.1% 3,000,000 60 e buildings, cooling, landscaping, and production of landscaping, infrastructure upgrades, leak t r e high-purity water for manufacturing) and indirect monitoring and detection, and greywater reuse. At f n Well water*** 0.5% n o o withdrawal associated with generation of the i * some locations, we also reduce our dependency l Direct use of surface water is insignificant and not included in 2,000,000 40 l i data reported. Rainwater is about 0.03% of total. electricity we use in our facilities. on potable water by utilizing alternative sources, $ m S ** U NEWater: ultra-purified wastewater used in manufacturing including rainwater and reclaimed water. / s operations in Singapore. In 2021, we withdrew 2,556,000 cubic meters of 1,000,000 20 r te *** This category includes groundwater. water overall, 2% less than in 2020. This decrease We use the World Resources Institute Aqueduct e c m i was primarily due to the discovery and repair of b Water Risk Atlas tool to assess the risk of sites u 0 0 c • Singapore: Implementing a project at a facility and prioritize reductions in water-stressed 2019 2020 2021 locations. Using this tool, we assessed 171 HP to recycle water for use in cooling towers, facilities as part of our risk modeling for 2021. reducing demand on treated water supplied 2025 GOAL Fifty of the facilities assessed (29% of the total) Americas  by the municipality, saves about 64,800 cubic Europe, Middle East, and Africa  meters annually. Reduce potable water withdrawal in global fall within the high-risk category for water stress. Asia Pacific and Japan  operations by 35% by 2025, compared to 2015, Those locations withdrew 245,000 cubic meters Water withdrawal intensity See detailed water data for 2019–2021, the HP focusing on high-risk sites of water during 2021, 9% of our global total and (cubic meters/US$ million of net revenue) down 17% from the prior year. Water accounting manual, and our CDP Water PROGRESS IN 2021 * Historical withdrawal-intensity values were calculated using Security submission. HP’s annual revenue as characterized in financial reporting and HP withdrew 2,245,000 cubic meters of potable HP recycled or reused 310,000 cubic meters of water withdrawal. water across global operations in 2021, water6 globally during 2021 for landscaping, indoor Wastewater plumbing fixtures, and as process water. This was Wastewater is not a significant environmental risk equivalent to 11% of total water withdrawal. The Water-saving projects completed during company also captured and used 1,000 cubic 2021 included: at HP’s operations. Our imaging and printing  30% meters of rainwater for cooling towers during product manufacturing facilities generate the year. • Barcelona, Spain, and Kiryat Gat and Caesarea, process effluents that are pre-treated, strictly less than in 2015, and focused reduction Israel: Identifying and remediating significant monitored, and discharged under government- efforts on high-risk sites (see water-saving leaks at facilities, discovered due to our issued permits. We implement procedures to projects completed during 2021, at right) expansion of leak detection in 2020, saves prevent unauthorized discharges of chemicals to approximately 63,000 cubic meters of water on our facility wastewater systems and ensure that an annualized basis. 56 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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