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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix increased by 2% during that period. Excluding Later in 2021, we implemented several capital- Renewable energy Auto fleet, business travel, energy use from our transportation fleet, energy funded energy-conservation projects, which By 2025, we aim to use 100% renewable electricity and commuting intensity decreased 8% in 2021 compared included chiller plant optimization, LED lighting to power our global operations. In 2021, we procured with 2020. upgrades, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Our goal is to reduce GHG emissions from upgrades, air conditioning (HVAC) system and generated 264,054 MWh of renewable HP-owned or leased auto fleet vehicles by 25% Prior to the partial site re-occupancy, our replacements, site retro-commissioning, and electricity globally (83.4% wind, 5.0% solar, 9.5% by 2025, compared to 2015. During 2021, our non-critical buildings were closed due to installation of upgraded controllers for a large hydro, and 2.1% unknown). Renewables accounted company fleet accounted for 20,100 tonnes of COVID-19, and access restrictions prevented site compressed air system. We also confirmed for 54% of our global electricity consumption, COe emissions, down 16% compared to 2020 us from implementing capital-funded energy- compared to 51% in 2020. Sources of renewable 2 that sites were compliant with the HP occupied and 39% less than in 2015. By 2030, our goal is to conservation projects. During that closure, our temperature set points upon reoccupation. electricity in 2021 included RECs, GOs (guarantees achieve a 100% EV company fleet. We started our facility teams ensured these buildings were set of origin), and I-RECs (international RECs) (87.3%), first EV fleet pilots in the Netherlands in October for unoccupancy by maintaining our broadened Learn more about how we are reducing GHG direct purchases (11.2%), and renewable energy 2020 and Belgium in January 2021, and introduced temperature set points, reducing our lighting emissions across our value chain in Supply generated on-site and on-site PPAs (1.5%).5 a hybrid as our default fleet vehicle in the United schedules, and manually shutting off equipment chain responsibility: Environmental impact and Through these purchases, we once again States. By the end of 2021, 2% of our fleet was EVs when not needed. Products and solutions. achieved our objective to use 100% renewable and 12% was hybrid vehicles. electricity in the United States and helped to advance the global market for renewables. To decrease emissions associated with business travel, we provide employees with low-impact Energy use from operations 2025 GOAL Building on previous renewable energy initiatives, travel choices through collaboration with travel MWh such as the solar-covered roof at our Palo Alto providers, planning tools, and transportation Use 100% renewable electricity in our headquarters, in 2021 we signed a large on-site alternatives. In 2021, we joined the Eco-Skies 2019 2020 2021 operations by 2025 solar PPA for our Barcelona, Spain, facility. This Alliance program to support the use of Stationary combustion 132,315 119,387 126,484 will provide approximately 2,174 MWh per year, sustainable aviation fuel. (natural gas and diesel) PROGRESS IN 2021 equivalent to 12.2% of the site’s annual electricity Electricity* 526,835 482,119 492,712 HP’s global operations procured and generated use. HP also signed an on-site solar PPA during We have committed to installing EV infrastructure Transportation fleet** 74,826 264,054 MWh of renewable electricity and 2021 to provide parking canopies at a site at all feasible sites worldwide by 2030. In 2021, attributes, equivalent to in Singapore. we offered EV infrastructure at 45% of 86 target District cooling and heating 4,224 3,395 3,036 sites, including 18 new charging stations installed (purchased) during the year. Wherever feasible, we require Energy intensity (MWh/US$ 11.3 10.7 11.0 new building constructions and leases to include million of net revenue)*** 54% EV infrastructure. * Includes purchased electricity and electricity generated on-site. of our global electricity consumption #18 ** This data was first reported for 2021. Includes gasoline See data related to business travel and and diesel. on the Green Power Partnership Top 30 employee commuting. *** Historical energy-intensity values were calculated using HP’s Tech & Telecom list (as of April 2022) annual revenue as characterized in financial reporting and direct and indirect energy use. 55 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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