Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix supporting marketplace opportunities, and driving As of the end of 2021, HP had 10 Distinguished 2021 McKinsey Black, Asian, and Hispanic/Latin global accountability for progress and outcomes. Employee survey results* Technologists/Strategists who are women. American Connected Leader Academies, which Diversity and inclusion hone executive and management leadership To ensure leadership embeds a strong focus on As of 2021, 89% of participants in HP Catalyst capabilities through expert-led virtual and small DEI, each member of our executive leadership 2019 2020 2021 (our 12-month emerging leaders’ program) were group discussions. team has individual performance goals under women, with an overall retention rate of 76%. 38% the Management by Objectives program tied to I feel HP values diversity 92% 95% 94% of participants since 2017 were subsequently During 2021, 61% of our U.S. hires overall were DEI. Our executive leadership team members are I can be myself at work 85% 88% 87% promoted or accepted a new role internally. from underrepresented groups, including women, evaluated on their actions to advance DEI. * See Employee development. This program is racial/ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, Data refers to the percentage of HP 2019, 2020, and 2021 Voice Insight Action (VIA) employee survey respondents who strongly complemented by women’s leadership initiatives and military veterans. In 2016, HP committed to HP’s BINs illustrate our DEI strategy in practice. agreed or agreed with each statement. such as Disha, a six-month program in India; the hiring 150 veterans or military spouses over the 6 We have 130 BINs in 37 countries, up from 118 in Talent Development Program and Women in course of five years. Through 2021, HP hired 283 2020. Our BINs are open to all employees and Leadership Lab in Mexico; the annual women’s veterans. Our culture of diversity and community represent: Black/African American, Disabilities, leadership conference in the United States; and allows us to retain, develop, and promote the Hispanic/Latin American, LGBTQ+, Multicultural, In February 2020, our CEO Enrique Lores took WOLFpack, an eight-month women’s development best talent. Multigenerational, Veterans, and Women. In the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ program in Costa Rica. addition to leading community outreach programs, pledge on behalf of HP to advance diversity Recognizing that traditional hiring practices can BINs promote diversity in pipeline development, and inclusion in the workplace. He also joined To address the systemic barriers that exist screen out qualified and talented applicants local hiring, talent programs, and mentoring. They the governing committee of CEO Action for to diverse representation in leadership and with autism, in 2019 we launched our Spectrum also implement campaigns such as Black History Racial Equity, a new fellowship that provides the the importance of sponsorship in career Success program partnership with Vocational Month, International Women’s Week, ALLIES@HP, opportunity for signatories to advance racial development, we have increased our investment Rehabilitation and PROVAIL, focusing on equity through public policy. PRIDE Month, and workshops for LGBTQ+ allies. in the development of Black/African American recruitment, hiring, and retention. Of the 23 leaders. For example, we expanded our Catalyst program candidates through 2021, nine were Belong, Innovate, and Grow development program in 2021 to include an offered internships. Watch video. People additional cohort focused on Black/African Our Belong, Innovate, and Grow strategy continues American employees in the United States. As part of our efforts to attract and retain people to drive our culture, embedding DEI across all As we continue to operationalize and integrate with disabilities, participants in our China HOPE parts of our businesses and functions, including DEI in all parts of HP, our people will more closely Our partnership with the Information Technology (HP Opportunity and Equality) and Japan’s Internal recruitment, talent and learning culture, mentoring, reflect our communities globally. Senior Management Forum (ITSMF) continues to Service Center programs spend half of their time training, and events. In our annual employee We are committed to continuing to improve train and develop Black/African American and at HP learning business skills. Through the end of engagement survey, employee feeling that HP representation of women at HP, with a focus on diverse IT leaders through ITSMF’s Management 2021, all HOPE participants had become full-time values diversity was highly rated, at 94%. Our management. HP is among the top technology Academy. Through 2021, we sponsored a 100% hires. In India, we work with colleges to identify Inclusion Index reported that 87% of employees companies for women in leadership positions, increase in HP employees in this program, candidates for our Eklavya program, which experience an inclusive work environment at HP. with women in 32.5% of the company’s director- and 50% of graduates have been promoted to offers interns on-the-job training and coaches 7 management at HP or moved into new or expanded employees in interacting and communicating with level and above positions, up from 32% in 2020. roles. Thirty-three HP leaders are attending the people with disabilities. In Brazil, our disAbilities 48 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report
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