Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix The manufacturing, delivery, and use of HP Carbon and climate impact products and solutions requires a substantial amount of natural resources and energy use. Our carbon and water footprints cover our We strive to reduce the climate impact of our to product transportation. This reduction was While GHG emissions from our operations only 1 supply chain, operations, and products and driven in part by the increased energy efficiency represent 1% of our footprint, we work to entire global value chain, from suppliers to our operations and millions of customers worldwide. solutions. HP’s carbon footprint in 2021 equaled of our products as well as the continued impact demonstrate leadership in emissions management, We were the first global IT company to publish 28,459,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent of COVID-19 on sales of different product lines, reduction, and disclosure. Our global operations a full carbon footprint, and one of the first to (CO2e), 3% less than in 2020. An 11% decrease particularly a shift toward Chromebooks, other produced 159,500 tonnes of Scope 1 and Scope 2 disclose a complete water footprint. We continue in GHG emissions associated with product notebooks, and inkjet printers, which tend to be COe emissions during 2021, a 7% decrease 2 to measure and manage our environmental use more than offset a 3% increase related to lighter and are more energy efficient than desktop compared to 2020. footprint across the value chain, always pursuing product manufacturing and a 13% rise related PCs and LaserJet printers. areas for improvement. Transforming HP to help drive a more efficient, circular, and net zero carbon economy is central 2030 AND 2040 GOALS METHODOLOGICAL UPDATES to our Sustainable Impact strategy. Reduce HP value chain GHG emissions by This report reflects several methodological updates to improve the accuracy of our carbon HP has achieved triple “A” scores for transparency 50% by 2030 (compared to 2019), and achieve footprint calculations and to align with our 2030 GHG emissions-reduction goal. These include: and action on climate, forests, and water for net zero emissions by 20401 several consecutive years, and has also been • Personal systems: Using a new life cycle assessment (LCA) tool, which allows for updated and recognized as a CDP Supplier Engagement PROGRESS IN 2021 refined modeling based on HP-specific parameters, to calculate GHG emissions associated Leader. See Recognition. HP’s carbon footprint of 28,459,500 tonnes of with personal systems. COe in 2021 was 2 • Paper: Using the tonnage of HP brand paper sold during the year to calculate associated GHG emissions, and not including GHG emissions associated with non-HP brand paper used in HP 9% printers. These emissions are now included in Scope 3 category 1 instead of category 11. This aligns with guidance regarding indirect use-phase GHG emissions associated with product use less than in 2019, primarily due to reductions from the GHG Protocol and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). related to product use resulting from increased • Nonproduction suppliers: Adding GHG emissions associated with nonproduction suppliers, energy efficiency and changes to the mix of based on data provided by those suppliers. Learn more. products sold. See additional GHG emissions-reduction goals. Based on our updated methodology, we have restated GHG emissions data for 2019 and 2020, for comparability. These methodological updates impact Scope 3 categories 1, 4, 9, 11, and 12. 15 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report
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