Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix HP carbon footprint, 2021 Water 28,459,500 tonnes CO2e Many parts of the world grapple with the availability and quality of water, and HP calculates, discloses, 18,300,000* and works to reduce water use across our global ƒonproduction suppliers value chain. 10,000 In 2021, our water footprint equalled 146,756,000 1 ** cubic meters, 8% less than in 2020. This Print ,910,000 resulted primarily from a reduction in indirect Personal systems water consumption from electricity generation 13,00,000 associated with HP product use, which more than 8,€00,000 offset water consumption in HP’s supply chain. Print Although water withdrawal in operations only 1,‚00,000 represents 2% of our footprint, we have direct Print Personal systems 00,000 €,00,000 control over those activities. We work to minimize Personal systems water withdrawal within our facilities and €00,000 demonstrate strong practice for others in the 900,000 industry and beyond. 100,000 100,000 139,00 0,100 0*** 100,000 100,000 0 0 Materials Capital Upstream Product Facilities ransportation usiness mployee Product Product uildings nestments See also: extraction goods energy transportation fleet trael commuting energy use end of leased through production serice to others • Description of our methodology in the manufacturing HP Water accounting manual. Supply chain (68%) Operations (1%) Products and solutions (31%) • Full water footprint data for 2019–2021. * Segments do not add up to total due to rounding. • Water-use reduction initiatives across our ** Includes HP brand printer and copier paper sold, which represented 0.5% of our carbon footprint. business: Supply chain, Our facilities, and *** This value is zero due to rounding. Products and solutions. See also: • Full carbon footprint data for 2019–2021. disclosures throughout this report, the HP 2022 • HP CDP Water Security response. • GHG emissions-reduction initiatives across Proxy Statement, and our CDP submissions). • Description of our methodology in the HP our business: Supply chain, Our facilities, and Carbon accounting manual. • HP CDP Climate Change response. Products and solutions. See data table for specific Scope 1, 2, and 3 • Full list of our GHG emissions-reduction goals category GHG emissions reporting. and progress. • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures index (includes links to detailed 16 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report
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