Global Private Banking low-earth orbit satellites are connecting vehicles powered by petrol or beneficiaries in this broad topic in our existing infrastructure users, devices diesel engines from 2030 or 2035 Total Security investment theme. and transportation. Fully integrated which will accelerate the adoption of The digital transformation has many transportation systems are becoming electric vehicles. benefits, but it also leads to a new a reality. Anybody with a smart phone The opportunity for investors lies security threat, namely, cybercrime. can purchase a ticket on an airline, train with the associated new technologies Governments and companies are or bus for many of the world’s transport replacing those reliant on fossil fuels. investing heavily to protect digital networks before they even arrive in the Based on currently available technology, infrastructure, software and confidential country. Smart technologies allow you lithium batteries offer the best alternative data in an attempt to deter physical and to see passenger loading when selecting source of power for everything from digital attacks. The technology industry a seat; choose less busy routes or times gadgets and sensors to vehicles. is responding to these multiple threats when driving; be informed of delays or Commercial vehicles and trains could by developing software that detects congestion in real time; view locations benefit from the advancements in spyware and computer viruses, using streaming. Simple enhancements hydrogen fuel cell technology although unlocks ransomware and creates give the traveller more choices and allow its adoption is still some way behind firewalls to block hacking. A service them to be in greater control of their lithium batteries. industry has evolved to provide advice own destiny, literally! Therefore, travel is set to become a to potential targets. Let’s look at the second aspect of our more pleasant and environmentally In recent years, wider security risks to Smart Mobility theme, the beneficiaries friendly experience. physical assets and their supply lines of the transition away from use of fossil Total Security have reappeared with many goods fuels to power transportation. According including food, water and energy. to the IEA, in 2021 transportation To many people, the world today seems Governments and companies are trying accounted for 37% of global CO2 a less safe place than at the turn of to mitigate the effects by increasing emissions from end use sectors, the century which is strange given all inventories, diversifying sources and equivalent to 7.7 gigatons of carbon. The the advances in commerce, science, supply chains, investing in alternative Paris Agreement, the COP26 and the technology, communication and life energy and developing more local IPCC climate study give an even greater expectancy until recently. There is capabilities. sense of urgency to the adoption of increased awareness of vulnerabilities zero-emission technologies. Electricity, at national, corporate, and personal As the world’s population continues hydrogen, biofuels and ammonia are level and increased demand for security. to expand and resources become ever potential zero-emission or green fuels Governments are not solely responsible more constrained this will drive growth that should help reduce emissions. for security, as popular culture frames in demand for security product and Governments in several countries have it “everybody has skin in the game’. We services, although sentiment and growth mandated a ban on the sale of new examine potential developments and may ebb and flow with perceived risks and threats. 21
HSBC Investment Outlook Q1 2023 Page 20 Page 22