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lots of information about the car and the terms of loan. Because the information is sensitive, the customer needs to feel their personal information is safe with the car salesperson. Observe how people solve the problem now (i.e. what job they currently use) When filling out this type of information, the buyer analyzes (usually visually) the salesperson and car dealership and deduces if they can be trusted. They generally fill in their sensitive financial information in close physical proximity, on a piece of paper, with the salesperson. This helps them feel confident the information is filled out correctly, and won’t get passed around to people who shouldn’t be looking at it. Come up with a Job Story that investigates the causality, anxieties and motivations of what they do now 1. When car salespeople and their customers interact with each other via the product… 2. …customers want to feel like they can trust the organization, process, and the salesperson. 3. Salespeople are going to want to be confident their process makes their customers feel comfortable… 4. …so clients will feel safe entering their financial information into a process. The above frames the situation into a Job Story. It can be fleshed out by providing more situational context – such as when and where it’s being filled out (e.g. at home or at the dealership) – and anxieties each party will have about having and viewing a profile. Create a solution which resolves that Job Story To resolve the job, the team decided how the profile view should be designed. Too little informa- tion and the profile view won’t solve the original job, and too much information could have negative effects. So the team decided: 1. When the customer uses the product, the salesperson’s profile view would always be visible (to ease customers’ anxieties about not being physically with the salesperson). 2. The profile would have a picture of the salesperson, job title, cars sold and years at the company (to ease customers’ anxieties about whether the salesperson is reputable and can be trusted). 3. The profile view will enable easy ways for the customer to get in touch with the sales- person, such as their phone number, email address and a button saying “Ask [salesperson] a question” (to ease customers’ anxieties about filling out the form incorrectly). 41

Intercom on Jobs-to-be-Done - Page 42 Intercom on Jobs-to-be-Done Page 41 Page 43