For example, consider how a team might design a profile view for a product that helps car salespeople secure loans for customers. Designing a profile view Early in the design process, the team was discussing what the profile would look like, and what features should exist there. At one point Sara, a team member, stood up and drew a simple wireframe on the whiteboard. She pointed to a box and said, “This is the salesperson’s profile”. The team is not immediately convinced by her rationale. They asked a series of “whys” for each part of the profile view. Even after all of these questions, the team didn’t coalesce for or against the idea. At this point, the question was asked: “Why should the product have a profile view? Why should it be in one place or another? What in- formation should it display? What situations is it resolving? What job is this profile view doing?” To resolve this, the feature was reframed through Job Stories. Start with the high level job The product’s high level job is to help a car salesperson secure a loan for prospective customers. Currently, the customer and the salesperson have to fill out a lot of difficult paperwork. Identify a smaller job which helps resolve the high level job In order to fill the loan application out correctly, the salesperson and customer need to enter 40
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