FY21 ESG Disclosures July 2022 Unaudited 31 Table 16. Gender Diversity by Management Level and Job Type (Global) Indicator FY18 (%) FY19 (%) FY20 (%) FY21 (%) Female share of total workforce 29.0 29.5 29.5 29.7 Females in all management positions As a % of total management workforce; includes junior, middle and senior management 24.4 24.4 22.2 23.7 Females in junior management positions As a % of total junior management positions; first level of management 24.4 28.0 27.0 27.5 Females in top management positions As a % of total top management positions; maximum two levels away from CEO [a] 29.4 32.4 33.3 38.1 Females in management positions in revenue-generating functions As a % of all such managers; excludes support functions such as Human Resources, Information Technology, and Legal 20.9 19.2 19.8 21.2 Females in STEM-related positions (estimated) [b] As a % of total STEM positions - - 26.0 26.0 [a] Females in top management positions calculated based on employee levels: Senior Vice President II (SVP II), Executive Vice President (EVP), and Chief Executive Officer [b] STEM percentage is based on available data and excludes Jacobs’ CMS-US line of business due to different data system requirements; we are working to improve our processes for more precise STEM data in future disclosures. Table 17. Racial/Ethnic Diversity (US Only) Employee Ethnic Group Description FY20 % of US Total FY21 % of US Total Asian 6.8 7.1 Black or African American 8.5 8.6 Hispanic or Latino 9.0 9.3 Two or More Races 2.0 2.3 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0.4 0.4 American Indian or Alaska Native 0.4 0.5 White 71.5 70.0 Unknown or Not Provided 1.4 1.8 Grand Total 100% 100% Table 18. Racial/Ethnic Diversity by Management Level (US Only) Management Level Percent Racially/Ethnically Diverse FY20 (%) FY21 (%) Executive Management (CEO, EVP, SVP II) 23.5 27.8 All executives (VP+) 16.5 18.8 All other employees (non-executive and below VP) 27.1 28.1 Table 19. Diversity by Age Group (Global) Age Group FY20 % of Total FY21 % of Total Under 20 0.2 0.2 20–29 16.1 16.5 30–39 25.2 25.8
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