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U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Services, tests and screening contained in the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration Bright Futures guidelines as set forth by the American Academy of Pediatricians. Services, tests, screening and supplies recommended in the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration women’s preventive and wellness services guidelines. Immunizations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Flu vaccines are also covered when provided by a non- network provider. Preventive services include, but are not limited to, well adult and well child physical examinations; immunizations and vaccinations; female sterilization; preferred over-the-counter drugs as recommended by the USPSTF when obtained with a prescription; pap smears; preventive services related to preconception, prenatal and postpartum care; routine mammography screening; routine prostate screening; colorectal cancer screening for Enrollees who are age 45 or older or who are under age 45 and at high risk; obesity screening/counseling; healthy diet; and physical activity counseling; depression screening in adults, including maternal depression, pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Enrollees at high risk for HIV infection, screening for physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health care needs arising from a sexual assault. Preventive care for chronic disease management includes treatment plans with regular monitoring, coordination of care between multiple providers and settings, medication management, evidence-based care, quality of care measurement and results, and education and tools for patient self-management support. In the event preventive, wellness or chronic care management services are not available from a Network Provider, non-network providers may provide these services without Cost Share when Preauthorized. Services provided during a preventive services visit, including laboratory services, which are not in accordance with the KFHPWA well care schedule are subject to Cost Shares. Eye refractions are not included under preventive services. Exclusions: Those parts of an examination and associated reports and immunizations that are not deemed Medically Necessary by KFHPWA for early detection of disease; all other diagnostic services not otherwise stated above PEBB HMOHSA 2024 37

Kaiser Permanente WA CDHP EOC (2024) - Page 37 Kaiser Permanente WA CDHP EOC (2024) Page 36 Page 38