What’s new in version 2.3 Expanded guidance for imagery placement. Learn Updated guidance on hyperlink styling. Our newly when and how to appropriately use LiMu Eu oug expanded guidance provides for increased accessibility general photography and illustration (page 2). (page 20). Clarification on punctuation. lways punctuate headlines and subheads. Missing punctuation loo s li e a ista e leading to a bad experience for our consuers and custoers (page 2). Updated licensing usage for iu Emu oug imagery. €onsult the contact sheet to confir there is appropriate licensing rights for your desired usage (page ‚). rocess update for creation of new icons (page ƒ0). Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 2
Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 1 Page 3