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What’s new in version 2.3 Expanded guidance for imagery placement. Learn Updated guidance on hyperlink styling. Our newly when and how to appropriately use LiMu Eu oug expanded guidance provides for increased accessibility general photography and illustration (page 2). (page 20). Clarification on punctuation. lways punctuate headlines and subheads. Missing punctuation loo s li e a ista e leading to a bad experience for our consuers and custoers (page 2­). Updated licensing usage for iu Emu  oug imagery. €onsult the contact sheet to confir there is appropriate licensing rights for your desired usage (page ­‚). rocess update for creation of new icons (page ƒ0). Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 2

Liberty Mutual Brand Book - Page 2 Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 1 Page 3