Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly ESG Scorecard Community Data # of Employee Volunteering Volunteers Total Hours Volunteering by Region United States/Canada 5,677 17,627 Latin America 2,049 6,172 Asia 14,789 27,341 EMEA 2,935 10,703 Total 25,450 61,843 Innovation Management 2021 2020 2019 2018 Dollar Amount (in thousands) Invested in Product Development/Innovation To be reported $ 301,014 $ 329,876 $ 409,724 after Q4 1 Number of Associates Participating in Innovation Activities 3,751 27,000+ 5,000+ N/A 2 Number of Startups Engaged 203 323 295 264 Contracts with Startups that Have Been Fully Executed 14 19 10 10 3 Number of Innovation Challenges Run 10 32 24 16 4 Number of Experiments Launched 23 33 43 28 1. THIS INCLUDES CROWDSOURCING AND FACILITATED PROGRAMS, CO-INNOVATION PROGRAMMING, MIT VISITS, THE METLIFE DIGITAL ACCELERATOR PROGRAM, COLLAB EVENTS, ETC. 2. ST ARTUPS METLIFE HAS CONNECTED OR STARTED WORKING WITH TO DETERMINE WHETHER THEIR OFFERINGS/CAPABILITIES CAN PROVIDE VALUE TO THE COMPANY AND OUR CUSTOMERS. 3. THIS INCLUDES IDEATION EVENTS LEVERAGING INNOVATION TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS TO SOLVE BUSINESS CHALLENGES. 4. PROOF OF CONCEPT OR PILOT EXPERIMENTS THAT HAVE LAUNCHED WITH STARTUPS TO EVALUATE A NEW USE CASE. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE EXPERIMENT WAS COMPLETED. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 146
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