Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly 2021 STUDIES Millennials poised for major life changes expect help from employers MetLife’s 2021 Open Enrollment Study found that millennials were more likely than others to say the pandemic has had a significant impact on their major life plans. Yet, as millennial employees prepare for new life stages, more than half also said they’re anxious about the state of their personal finances, compared with 45% of Over employees overall. 50% Millennial managers sacrifice their well-being for employees of millennial employees are The Squeezed Middle study conducted anxious about the state of their by MetLife found that 52% of employees with supportive millennial managers said they personal finances1 are healthy across physical, financial, social and mental health pillars. But although millennial managers foster strong employee performance, they’re sacrificing their own well-being—they now feel more overwhelmed, burnt out and stressed while working compared to December 2020. 1. METLIFE 2021 OPEN ENROLLMENT STUDY. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 39