Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly booklets, MetLife Japan has realized a 19% reduction In Ukraine, new digital welcome packs and electronic in unused paper booklet waste in warehouse space, cards for customers have replaced plastic policy and which amounts to an estimated 84-ton reduction VIP cards, eliminating approximately 600 pounds in waste emissions, compared to 2020. of plastic and approximately 440 pounds of paper In EMEA, going paperless was selected as one of annually. We now source marketing collateral from three project ideas from almost 1,300 submissions a company that manufactures products with lower during our 2020 Next Horizon Experimentation impacts. In Italy, we’ve switched to using lower- Challenge, which encouraged employees to impact materials in employee and customer submit ideas to improve customer focus and merchandise, including desk calendars that are operational efficiencies. now made of 100% recycled paper. UNIT-LINKED INSURANCE PRODUCTS—SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENTS Under a unit-linked insurance plan, policyholders addition, 40 of these funds are “Article 8,” or make regular premium payments for insurance “a fund that promotes environmental or social coverage and as an investment. The plan then characteristics but does not have them as the offers a combination of insurance and investment overarching objective.” We also have unit- payouts. A unit-linked insurance plan can be used, linked products in Asia that offer sustainable for example, to provide life insurance, build wealth, investment opportunities for policyholders. In generate retirement income and pay for education. Malaysia, AmMetLife’s WealthEnrich, a limited In the Gulf, MetLife policyholders of these unit- premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan, is linked insurance products can select from several tailor-made for high-net-worth individuals and investment funds that align with their financial goals. focuses on leaving a legacy for family members. Six of these funds are “Article 9” funds under In conjunction with the launch of this plan, we the European Union’s Sustainable Finance introduced the AmMetLife Positive Change Fund Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), or “a fund that with an investment strategy of investing primarily has sustainable investment as its objective.” In in companies whose products, behavior and services make a positive social impact. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 35