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Color Palette NTFB’s color palette reflects our optimistic outlook. Our primary color palette for all marketing and advertising materials is Primary Orange and Primary Green. A secondary color palette is available to work in conjunction with the primary palette. Please note that specific colors have been selected for a variety of media and are listed beneath each swatch shown here. Take Primary Orange Primary Green precautions to enter the correct color values listed here, as some PMS 144 C/U PMS 371 C/U of the values may not match each software program’s automatic 233r 121g 0b 83r 104g 43b conversion. 0c 50m 100y 0k 53c 14m 89y 43k #E98300 #53682B PMS Cool Grey 8 PMS 2925 C/299 U PMS 653 C/301 U PMS 7700C/7692U PMS 200 C/199 U PMS 241 C/U 139r 141g 142b 0r 158g 222b 0r 107g 157b 0r 83g 124b 178r 45g 58b 192r 47g 134b 0c 1m 0y 43k 90c 16m 0y 0k 85c 30m 0y 31k 85c 30m 0y 51k 0c 90m 65y 30k 12c 92m 0y 11k #8B8D8E #009EDE #006B9D #00537C #B22D3A #C02F86 PMS 7657 C/U PMS 7652 C/249 U PMS 129 C/128 U PMS 130 C/129 U PMS 382 C/380 U PMS 370 C/U 115r 56g 115b 90r 37g 89b 255r 213g 76b 251r 173g 24b 191r 215g 48b 112r 147g 69b 40c 80m 0y 35k 40c 80m 0y 55k 0c 15m 81y 0k 0c 36m 100y 0k 30c 0m 100y 0k 40c 0m 80y 35k #733873 #5A2559 #FFD54C #FBAD18 #BFD730 #709345 NTFB Style Guidelines 4

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