2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT I 32 ADVANCING HEALTH EQUITY } Q4HE KEY INITIATIVES } EDUCATION Keeping kids and families healthy and active Q4HE supports local, regional, and state programs to help engage under-resourced communities, providing educational programs to promote lifelong healthy behaviors, including: American Diabetes Association (ADA)— for Project Power: a free, at-home, online experience consisting of lessons and activities for children and their families; helps support youth at risk for type 2 diabetes, promoting healthy habits, nutrition education, increased physical activity, and family involvement Sesame Workshop— serves children and families in rural and urban environments to promote healthy behaviors and child well-being Cooking Matters— supports a Connecticut-based community nutrition, health, and wellness program focused on reducing obesity and its related health risks Healthy NewsWorks (HNW)— empowers elementary and middle-school students to advocate for health literacy through school-based journalism programs Primary Care of Southwest Georgia— provides support for a second school-based clinic and a van to expand health services for rural communities in southwest Georgia The Social and Health Research Center (SAHRC)— facilitates expansion by digitizing the Bienestar/NEEMA Coordinated School Health Program, an evidenced-based curriculum designed to educate and engage children in underserved populations in positive behaviors to reduce the health risks of obesity, diabetes, respiratory ailments, and other predisposing conditions The Green Bronx Machine— expands an innovative program that provides hands-on classroom learning through agriculture. Students and teachers grow vegetables using the plant-cultivation method known as aeroponics in which roots are positioned to hang suspended in the air as nutrients are delivered via a fine mist. The system lends itself to lessons in multiple subjects including science, math, and language arts, and the food grown is used in school nutrition programs “ In collaboration with a growing number of organizations, we’re addressing disparities that historically have made it difficult for underserved communities to access the care and resources they need to experience better health outcomes.” Ruth Clements Vice President and General Manager, Infectious Diseases and Immunology and Leader of Q4HE TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 OVERVIEW COVID-19 RESPONSE PROMOTING A HEALTHIER WORLD CREATING AN INSPIRING WORKPLACE BUILDING VALUE REFERENCES

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