2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT I 33 ADVANCING HEALTH EQUITY } Q4HE KEY INITIATIVES } ENGAGEMENT Eliminating disparities in healthcare leadership Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute Quest Diagnostics is collaborating with the Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI), a professional development program focused on eliminating health disparities among minority and vulnerable populations. BHLI supports culturally diverse students nationwide to prepare them for leadership roles in healthcare through an intense professional development program. Upon completing the program, scholars participate in a paid internship at a leading healthcare or partnering organization where they gain firsthand C-suite experience in strategy, planning, and collaboration efforts between the administrative and clinical teams of a healthcare system. American Heart Association HBCU & HSI Scholars In 2021, the Quest Diagnostics Foundation began an aggressive expansion of several key initiatives designed to increase access to healthcare in underserved “ We look forward to a long-term relationship with Quest to help change the trajectory of healthcare disparities.” John W. Bluford III Founder and President, Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute communities while increasing the ranks of diverse healthcare professionals. Such efforts have included a commitment to the American Heart Association (AHA) toward programs for Black and Hispanic scholars. Since 2015, AHA’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Scholars Program has been building a more representative future workforce through academic and career mentoring programs that help prepare minority undergraduates for careers in the sciences and healthcare professions. Because opportunities for mentorship and strong social support are factors affecting student success, a vital component of the Scholars Program is a virtual leadership and professional development series to help position students for success beyond graduation. Building on the success of the HBCU program, AHA launched the Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Scholars Program that engages and inspires Hispanic students to pursue careers in medicine and scientific research. Opportunities to move forward * • 84 scholars • 74 mentors • 21 internships at premier healthcare companies • Collaborations: 28 research institutions, 23 HBCUs, 9 HSIs • Program graduates continuing on to pursue advanced degrees or obtain positions in healthcare *2021-2022 school year TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 OVERVIEW COVID-19 RESPONSE PROMOTING A HEALTHIER WORLD CREATING AN INSPIRING WORKPLACE BUILDING VALUE REFERENCES