2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT I 50 Pride EBN celebrated 20 years of programming, advocacy, and education. As the first of our EBNs, Pride has provided a model for other groups and has contributed incalculably to openness and inclusion at Quest. This year’s activities included raising $20,000 for The Trevor Project. Caregivers EBN was re-established to provide a support system, access to information, and impactful webinars featuring guest speakers like Elizabeth Miller, founder of Happy Healthy Caregiver. Pan-Asian Leaders EBN (PAL) was welcomed in early 2021, established with the goals of providing development opportunities, breaking down harmful cultural stereotypes, and educating our organization on impactful allyship. African-American Business Leaders EBN (ABL) helped to facilitate dialogue around race through their Thrive Newsletter. Their “Silver Lining Edition,” released in May, focused on Quest’s fully realized commitment to I&D. DiverseAbilities EBN continued to strengthen their Mental Health Awareness subteam and partnered with other EBNs on joint programs to expand mental health awareness. Plans are underway for the launch of a Cancer Awareness Connection subteam in 2022. INCLUSION & DIVERSITY Employee Business Networks reflect and drive Quest values Our Employee Business Networks (EBNs) are integral to how we develop, celebrate, and uplift our diverse colleagues here at Quest Diagnostics. Our EBNs are company-sponsored, employee-driven networks open to all employees; they serve as a platform to participate in networking, advocacy, leadership and skills development, and community engagement. Our first EBN reached a milestone 20th anniversary, and the establishment of 2 additional groups in 2021 brings the number of EBNs to 10. Caregivers Em ployee Busi ness N etwo rk Hispanic/Latino EBN (HLEBN) offered a variety of programs and activities, including a celebration of National Hispanic Heritage month in September/ October. QuestCAN EBN provided opportunities throughout the year for all Quest employees to lend their time and talents in our local communities. Veterans EBN produced a Veterans Day video of Quest veterans sharing their perspectives on the value of serving their country, and continued to create discussion, referral, and support opportunities for veterans and their families. Women in Leadership EBN (WIL) held their annual membership conference and sponsored mentoring, health and wellness programs, and charity drives. Young Professionals EBN, or YoPro, continued to sponsor activities, including a virtual leadership development conference. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 OVERVIEW COVID-19 RESPONSE PROMOTING A HEALTHIER WORLD CREATING AN INSPIRING WORKPLACE BUILDING VALUE REFERENCES

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