Salesforce’s Net Zero Journey Our First Carbon Credit Purchases While continuing to focus on reducing emissions across our full value chain, in 2017 we kicked off a new pillar of our climate action strategy by purchasing our first carbon credits. We see carbon credits as a way to finance nature-based solutions and new technologies for carbon dioxide removal that lack other forms of funding today, while also putting a price on carbon inside our company to further incentivize emissions reduction efforts. When we made our first carbon credit purchases, we relied almost entirely on a few trusted brokers — many of whom we still work with today — to find, vet, and source credits on our behalf. Since then, the voluntary carbon market (VCM) as well as the few compliance markets around the world have undergone massive changes — mostly for the better. They have become more complex to navigate, but the overall benchmark for transparency and quality has risen steeply. And massive leaps forward in the creation and use of carbon credits are upon us thanks to efforts like the Integrity Council for the VCM and the VCM Integrity Initiative. The evolution of verification methods and standards, and the emergence of third-party rating agencies like Sylvera and Calyx Global, can also help to improve the quality of credits. In September 2021, we reached net zero residual emissions across our full value chain (scopes 1, 2, and 3) and achieved 100% renewable energy for our global operations.2 But achieving the shared goal of global net zero will take all of us working together. That’s why, throughout our continuing journey, we are always keen to share what we’ve learned with the world. We are also using the full power of Salesforce to create tools that will help others achieve net zero faster. Tools such as Net Zero Cloud and our new Net Zero Marketplace will enable all those who want to take climate action — including those in small- and medium-size enterprises — to accelerate their own journeys to net zero. Our Focus on Justice and Nature Since 2017, we’ve continued to focus on deeply reducing our emissions - especially in the areas of Business Travel, Supplier Enablement, Work from Anywhere, and Infrastructure - while simultaneously investing in climate action through carbon credit purchases, as well as renewable energy procurement, impact investments, and grants. In 2021, we also launched our $100 million Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Justice Philanthropic Fund, which provides grants to organizations that pioneer climate action around the world. 2We define 100% renewable energy as purchasing enough renewable energy to match all electricity used globally within our operations on an annual basis. In early 2022, these achievements were confirmed by our third-party assurance provider. 5 | A JUST TRANSITION TO A NET ZERO, NATURE POSITIVE WORLD