Accessible and Affordable Founded in 2016, Wonderschool is an early childhood education startup founded by Chris Bennett, who knows Education firsthand the challenges of finding childcare outside of major US cities. Through its Childcare Management Software platform, Wonderschool offers tech-based solutions to core CASE STUDY: players of the childcare sector. Wonderschool Among many capabilities, the company’s technology platform helps create care solutions for disproportionately disadvantaged families living in childcare deserts. Sixty- three percent of childcare programs currently on the platform are located in minority communities, and over forty percent are located in low-to-moderate income communities.¹ Wonderschool’s care solutions are aimed at providing early childhood education opportunities for children who may otherwise have none, seeking to reduce education gaps in LMI communities, and allowing parents to return to the workforce. Wonderschool also seeks to create an economic opportunity for adults to become home-based care providers. ¹ Low-to-moderate (LMI) households are defined as having income levels lower than 80% of the area median income. Sustainability Report 2021 Sustainability Issuance Report | Featured Investments 134
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