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Table of Contents Next Section Previous Page | Next Page Tone of Voice Section 1 Sysco Identity THE SYSCO TONE OF VOICE In addition to a strong and cohesive visual identity, the Sysco brand must also adhere to a distinctive verbal tone. The voice we use re昀氀ects both who we are and how others perceive us, so we should consistently convey the following characteristics: WELCOMING Sysco is a powerful and bene昀椀cial partner made up of talented, committed associates. Eliminate corporate jargon in favor of terms such as “we” and “our”, which will allow people to more readily identify with the company. STRAIGHTFORWARD We don’t use overly complicated language, because communication should be straightforward and easy to understand. If we must use di昀케cult wording, it should be explained in simple terms. We don’t use slang. ACCESSIBLE Sysco is an open and accessible company. We respect our partners’ points of view and welcome their opinions, because it helps us to change and better meet their needs. For example: “We value your opinion, so please let us know what you think.” RESPONSIBLE We must take a responsible, professional stance when addressing the issues facing our customers and communities. For example: “We live and work in the communities that we serve, so we work hard to preserve the environment and improve the local economy.” ACTIVE Sysco is a dynamic company that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our customers. As such, we use the active voice rather than the passive voice. For example: “With a workforce of 46,000 in more than 180 locations, Sysco has the talent and reach to go beyond our customers expectations.” Version 5.0 November 2011 Page 23

Sysco Brand Book - Page 23 Sysco Brand Book Page 22 Page 24