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Table of Contents Next Section Previous Page | Next Page Primary Neutral Colors Section 1 Sysco Identity The Sysco color palette also contains primary neutral colors that support the Sysco brand. Cream, Light Khaki, Dark Gray and Light Gray may be used as background colors in all mediums. Dark Gray may be used for typography. If the logo appears over the cream, light Cream Light Khaki Dark Gray Light Gray khaki or light gray colors, the two color Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone version should always be used. The all- 7499 4545 431 427 white version logo should appear over 4 color process 4 color process 4 color process 4 color process dark gray. C1 M2 Y20 K0 C4 M5 Y31 K4 C45 M24 Y14 K44 C15 M7 Y10 K3 RGB RGB RGB RGB R244 G237 B202 R219 G209 B169 R107 G113 B120 R200 G203 B203 HTML HTML HTML HTML FFF6DC F1E5C8 6A737B E4E5E6 Do not use the color squares on this page for a visual match. The colors shown on this page may not be visually accurate due to the calibration of your computer monitor or printer. Please consult the current PantoneĀ® formula guide to see the accurate color. PantoneĀ® is the property of Pantone, Inc. Version 5.0 November 2011 Page 15

Sysco Brand Book - Page 15 Sysco Brand Book Page 14 Page 16