Table of Contents Previous Section | Next Section Previous Page | Next Page Promotional Items Section 3 Sysco External Promotional Item Color Palette Specialty items have many uses, from customer gifts to event promotions to employee spirit. The Sysco logo can be applied to a variety of objects; the most important guideline is to maintain color and spacing speci昀椀cations. Use Sysco blue logo or Use Sysco white logo Secondary colors two color logo see pages 16 - 17 for The secondary color portfolio shown correct logo use here is available to give you more 昀氀exibility on certain uses. These colors should be used primarily as highlights for promotional materials, in-house publications and online graphics. There are unique events when a di昀昀erent base color is appropriate. For example, you may want to produce a pink hat for a breast cancer event. In these rare cases, the all-white version of the Sysco logo should always be used. Order Sysco items from Staples. Order Sysco items from HALO. Version 5.0 November 2011 Page 53
Sysco Brand Book Page 52 Page 54