Use of unds ›unds raised during the elegram ICƒ will be used for the development of elegram and ƒ„ and for the ongoing e‹penses re’uired to support the growth of the ecosystem. More than ­ percent of collected funds will be spent on e’uipment bandwidth colocation and user verification costs. he rest will be allocated for wages offices and legal and consulting services. 80% 20% he annual budget of elegram in  š amounted to ªš million out of which ªŸ million were spent on e’uipment bandwidth colocation and user verification costs. elegram’s spending is pro“ected at ª— million in the ne‹t three years …appro‹imately ª  million in  ­ ª Œ million in  • and ª š million in †. ” total spending of about ªŸ million to support continuing organic user growth should allow elegram to reach one billion active users by «anuary  . MA„… mln B†‡get… ˆ mln ‰­  ­ ‚      ­   ‚‰  ­  €   —  ™  Ÿ  š  ­  •    —  ™  Ÿ  š  ­  •   ­ Ž Œ

Telegram Open Network (TON) ICO Whitepaper - Page 18 Telegram Open Network (TON) ICO Whitepaper Page 17 Page 19