Telegram Open Network (TON) ICO Whitepaper
Telegram PRIMER

Table of Contents Introduction 3 Problem Statement 3 Outline of the Vision 4 A Brief History of Telegram 5 Telegram Open Network (TON) 7 TON Blockchain 7 Infinite Sharding Paradigm 7 Instant Hypercube Routing 8 Proof-of-Stake Approach 8 2-D Distributed Ledgers 8 TON Platform 8 TON Storage 8 TON Proxy 9 TON Services 9 TON DNS 9 TON Payments 9 Telegram Messenger-TON Integration 10 Light Wallet 10 External Secure IDs 11 Ecosystem 12 Bot Platform 12 Groups and Channels 12 Digital Content and Physical Goods 12 A Gateway to Decentralized Services 13 Uses of TON as a Cryptocurrency 13 Roadmap 14 Token Distribution 15 Use of Funds 17 Governance 18 Team 19 Founders 19 Other Notable Team Members 20 2 / 23
Introduction Cryptocurrencies and other blockchain-based technologies have the potential to make the world more secure and self-governed. owever to this day no consensus-backed currency has been able to appeal to the mass market and reach mainstream adoption. his paper outlines a vision for a new cryptocurrency and an ecosystem capable of meeting the needs of hundreds of millions of consumers including million elegram users. aunching in this cryptocurrency will be based on multi-blockchain Proof-of-€take system — ƒ„ …Telegram Open Network, after 2021 The Open Network† — designed to host a new generation of cryptocurrencies and decentrali‡ed applications. The protocol and other components of TON are described in detail in the Technical White Paper, while this document focuses on a general overview of the proposed technolog and its uses Problem Statement ˆitcoin has established itself as the «digital gold» and Ethereum has proved to be an efficient platform for token crowd sales. owever there is no current standard cryptocurrency used for the regular e‹change of value in the daily lives of ordinary people. he blockchain ecosystem needs a decentrali‡ed counterpart to everyday money — a truly mass-market cryptocurrency. Œ Ž Œ
Despite their revolutionary potential, existing cryptocurrencies lack the qualities required to attract the mass consumer. There are three main hurdles in today’s environments: The established blockchain networks — Bitcoin and Ethereum — play important roles in the ecosystem, but don’t have the capacity to replace VISA or Mastercard. In their current architecture they are limited to a maximum of only 7 transactions per second for Bitcoin and 15 transactions per second for Ethereum, resulting in insufficient speeds and higher transaction costs. Regular users starting to engage with Bitcoin and similar technologies often get confused when trying to buy, store, and send their coins. The market of goods and services that can be bought with cryptocurrencies is limited, and the demand for crypto-assets comes mainly from investors, not consumers. The current state of blockchain technology resembles automobile design in 1870: it is promising and praised by enthusiasts, but inefficient and too complicated to appeal to the mass consumer. As a result, no cryptocurrency or decentralized platform has gone truly mainstream, and centralized solutions continue to dominate the market. Outline of the Vision Exchanging value should be as easy as exchanging information, and blockchain technology offers the ideal foundation to make this a reality. To reach mainstream adoption, a cryptocurrency — and its underlying blockchain design and ecosystem — requires: Speed and scalability that allows for processing millions of transactions per second and accommodating hundreds of millions of active users and millions of applications. Intuitive user interfaces that enable an average user to easily buy, store, and transfer value, as well as use decentralized apps in a natural way. An engaged user base that serves as the pre-existing critical mass necessary for the ecosystem to grow and eventually become adopted by hundreds of millions of users. 4 / 23
Telegram is uniquely positioned to establish the first mass-market cryptocurrency by providing a platform that combines these properties. Telegram will use its expertise in encrypted distributed data storage to create TON, a fast and inherently scalable multi-blockchain architecture. TON can be regarded as a decentralized supercomputer and value transfer system. By combining minimum transaction time with maximum security, TON can become a VISA/Mastercard alternative for the new decentralized economy. The Telegram Team will rely on its 10-year experience in building user-friendly interfaces for tens of millions to create light wallets, exchanges, and identification services that will allow users to get on board with cryptocurrencies in an intuitive way. Integrated into Telegram applications, the TON wallet will become the world’s most adopted cryptocurrency wallet. Telegram will leverage its existing ecosystem of communities, developers, publishers, payment providers, and merchants to drive demand and value for TON cryptocurrency. A whole new economy saturated with goods and services sold for cryptocurrency will be born — similar to WeChat’s fiat-based marketplace, but not confined to a centralized service. A Brief History of Telegram Telegram was founded in 2013 by libertarians to preserve freedom through encryption. The project has declared not-for-profit goals and remains independent and self-funded. Like 1 Wikipedia, which for years has been a role model for the Telegram founders , Telegram has chosen a .org domain to emphasize its non-commercial status. The physical infrastructure of Telegram reflects its founders’ belief in larger decentralization. Telegram deploys a distributed server infrastructure to synchronize encrypted data across multiple independent server clusters spread across different continents and jurisdictions. The resulting combination of speed, encryption, and independence attracted millions of users 2 within a few months after the project’s launch in 2013. Telegram kept evolving with an average of 12 major updates a year. By February 2016, it had 100 million monthly active users and was delivering 15 billion messages daily. 1. Founder of Facebook for Russia donates $1M to Wikipedia at DLD. 2. Why Telegram has become the hottest messaging app in the world. 5 / 23
In October 2017, Telegram reached 170 million monthly users, delivering 70 billion messages every day.3 At least 500 000 new users join Telegram daily. At this rate, the service is expected to hit 200 million monthly users in Q1 2018. These users can provide the required critical mass to push cryptocurrencies towards widespread adoption. 3. Push notifications delivered on iOS and Android devices daily. 6 / 23
Telegram Open Network (TON) ˆecause taking cryptocurrencies mainstream in would not be possible using the e‹isting blockchain platforms4 elegram co-founder ‘r. „ikolai ‘urov set out to find a novel solution to meet the speed and scalability re’uired for mass adoption. is research resulted in the design for the elegram ƒpen „etwork — a fast and secure blockchain and network pro“ect. BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM TON TON Blockchain 5 ”t the core of the platform is the ƒ„ ˆlockchain — a scalable and fle‹ible blockchain architecture • that consists of a master chain and up to accompanying blockchains. ˆelow are some notable design choices that allow the ƒ„ ˆlockchain to process millions of transactions per second. Infinite Sharding Paradigm o achieve scalability ƒ„ has built-in support for sharding– ƒ„ blockchains can automatically split and merge to accommodate changes in load. his means that new blocks are always generated ’uickly and the absence of long ’ueues helps keep transaction costs low even if some of the services using the platform become massively popular. ee «nfinite harding Paradigm», 2.1.2 —. €ee sections . and .• in the echnical ˜hite Paper for a comparison of blockchain pro“ects. ™. €ee section in the echnical ˜hite Paper. š Ž Œ
Instant Hypercube Routing ƒ„ blockchains use smart routing mechanisms to ensure that transactions between any two blockchains will always be processed swiftly regardless of the si‡e of the system. he time needed to pass information between ƒ„ blockchains grows logarithmically with their number so scaling to even millions of chains will allow them all to communicate at top speed. ee « percube outing» and «nstant percube outing», 2.1.4, 2.4.19, 2.4.20 Proof-of-Stake Approach ƒ„ uses a Proof-of-€take approach in which processing nodes …«validators»† deposit stakes to guarantee their dependability and reach consensus through a variant of the ˆy‡antine ›ault olerant protocol. his allows ƒ„ to focus the computing power of its nodes on handling transactions and smart contracts further increasing speed and efficiency. ee «Proof€Of€take ‚pproach», 2.1.16, 2.6 2-D Distributed Ledgers ƒ„ can «grow» new valid blocks on top of any blocks that were proven to be incorrect to avoid unnecessary forks. his self-healing mechanism saves resources and guarantees that valid transactions will not be discarded due to unrelated errors. ee «‚ccount chains», 2.1.1, 2.1.17 Ž Œ
TON Platform ”s a multi-blockchain pro“ect ƒ„ re’uires sophisticated network protocols — such as the ƒ„ 6 PP „etwork used to access the ƒ„ blockchains — that can be reused to give a significant boost in fle‹ibility to the platform. he following components are scheduled to be released after the ƒ„ ˆlockchain core and will further increase the potential uses of the ƒ„ infrastructure. T Storage ƒ„ €torage is a distributed file-storage technology accessible through the ƒ„ PP „etwork and available for storing arbitrary files with torrent-like access technology and smart contracts used to enforce availability. his component not only enables storage services akin to a distributed ‘ropbo‹ but also paves the way for more comple‹ decentrali‡ed apps that re’uire storing large amounts of data such as œoutube — or elegram. ee «TON torage», 4.1.8 and «s it possible to upload ƒacebook into blockchain„» 2.9.13 T Proy ƒ„ Pro‹y is a network pro‹yŽanonymi‡er layer used to hide the identity and IP addresses of ƒ„ nodes. €imilar to IP …Invisible Internet Pro“ect† this layer can be used to create decentrali‡ed žP„ services and blockchain-based ƒR alternatives to achieve anonymity and protect online privacy. In con“unction with the ƒ„ PP „etwork and ƒ„ ‘„€ ƒ„ Pro‹y can make any service including elegram effectively immune to censorship. ee «TON Pro…», 3.1.6, 4.1.6 Ÿ. €ee «ƒ„ „etworking» €ection Œ of the technical whitepaper. • Ž Œ
T Serices ƒ„ €ervices provides a platform for third-party services of any kind that enables smartphone-like friendly interfaces for decentrali‡ed apps and smart contracts as well as a ˜orld ˜ide ˜eb-like decentrali‡ed browsing e‹perience. ee «TON ervices and ‚pplications», 4 T DS ƒ„ ‘„€ is a service for assigning human-readable names to accounts smart contracts services and network nodes. ˜ith ƒ„ ‘„€ accessing decentrali‡ed services can be similar to viewing a website on the ˜orld ˜ide ˜eb. ee «TON †N», 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 T Payments ƒ„ Payments is a platform for micropayments and a micropayment channel network. It can be used for instant off-chain value transfers between users bots and other services. €afeguards built into the system ensure that these transfers are as secure as on-chain transactions. ee «TON Paments», ‡ightning€stle off€chain transactions, 5 ”ll these services can be integrated with third-party messaging and social networking applications uniting the centrali‡ed and the decentrali‡ed worlds. Ž Œ
Telegram Messenger-TON Integration elegram-ƒ„ integration will provide a clear path to cryptocurrencies for millions of people. elegram Messenger will not only serve as an e‹ample of the possibilities offered by integrating with ƒ„ but will also add uni’ue features to the ƒ„ platform leveraging elegram’s massive user base and developed ecosystem. Light allet he ƒ„ architecture supports light clients that can run on mobile devices without consuming significant resources. ƒ„ light wallets will be built into elegram applications allowing millions of users to store their funds securely in the ƒ„ blockchain. he wallet owners will be the sole holders of the corresponding encryption keys. ee «ˆerkle proofs», 2.3.11‰ «‡ight wallet and TON entit e…plorer», 4.3.19 elegram mobile and desktop applications with integrated wallets will also double as ƒ„ clients enabling secure transfers of value within the ƒ„ blockchain and interaction with ƒ„ smart contracts and applications. elegram will offer streamlined interfaces for sending value to contacts and paying for purchases in ƒ„. ee «TON †N use cases», 4.3.2‰ «‡ight wallet and TON entit e…plorer», 4.3.19‰ TON Paments, 5 Integrated into elegram applications the ƒ„-elegram wallet will instantly become the world’s most adopted cryptocurrency wallet. he ƒ„ coins e‹changed by elegram users will be called «¢rams» and denoted by the ƒ„ triangular symbol or the gem emo“i. he ¢ram will serve as the principal currency for the in-app economy on elegram and like any other cryptocurrency will be available for e‹ternal use. Ž Œ
External Secure IDs According to Tokenmarket, 84 percent of blockchain-based projects have an active Telegram 7 community, more than all other chat applications combined. Forbes and other media outlets have called Telegram the «cryptocurrency world’s preferred messaging app» and «as ubiquitous to the cryptocurrency world as Snapchat is to a teenager».8 OFFICIAL ICO Past 238 projects DISCUSSION GROUPS Current 79 projects Upcoming 113 projects 84% 78% 64% 53% 57% 51% 2% 3% 5% TELEGRAM SLACK DISCORD Based on data from for Oct 2017. Because the majority of actors in the new digital economy already have active Telegram accounts, it is natural for Telegram to offer a secure universal ID. After passing KYC-AML on Telegram once, users will get a virtual passport to log into services that require user verification, thereby eliminating a major point of friction for anyone engaging with crypto-assets. All private data (such as passport scans) will eventually be stored end-to-end encrypted with a key known only to the owners. Telegram’s distributed servers (and later the TON Blockchain) will have no access to this information, but will instead store a hash of the value to be able to confirm that the data was verified when the user obtained their secure ID. Third parties will be able to add further verifications to these virtual passports. 7. Data from Tokenmarket, as of October 2017. 8. Russia Fines Cryptocurrency World's Preferred Messaging App, Telegram. 12 / 23
Ecosystem Telegram’s existing ecosystem will offer simple ways of buying the TON coins (Grams), and a range of services to spend them on, driving demand and fundamental value for the cryptocurrency. Bot Platform As of October 2017, more than 800 000 unique third-party bots are regularly used by 52 million Telegram users. These bots can already accept credit card payments from users in 200 9 countries via eight providers connected to the Telegram Payments Platform. In the future, by using their verified IDs in conjunction with bots that accept credit cards, Telegram users will be able to buy and exchange cryptocurrencies in a frictionless and legally compliant way. Telegram will provide a unified entry point for users willing to connect with bots that offer exchange services, effectively creating a competitive market. Groups and Channels The Telegram ecosystem includes millions of public group chats reaching up to 30 000 members and broadcast channels, the largest of which have several million subscribers. Telegram’s public broadcast channels generate over 30 billion views by 80 million users each month. Creators of large channels currently try to monetize them by posting advertisements or promoting other channels and groups. However, they presently lack the necessary tools to formalize their transactions with advertisers. To fix this, Telegram will launch a TON-based ad exchange where parties interested in promoting their projects can connect with the relevant channel owners and negotiate a price in a transparent and fully automated way. All accompanying transactions will be made in Grams on a per-view or per-click basis, with the necessary statistics and guarantees provided to all parties. Digital Content and Physical Goods Bots, channels, and groups provide a ready market for paid content and subscription services. Users will be able to support publishers and content creators by making donations or paying for exclusive access. Bots can act as virtual storefronts and accept orders for the delivery of physical goods. Telegram’s in-app economy will supply the TON market with a wide range of goods and services that can be obtained with TON coins. 9. Bot API Payments: 13 / 23
A Gateway to Decentralized Services Telegram will offer a searchable registry of decentralized services from its applications, providing a list of the most popular apps, as well as recommendations based on the user’s history of choices. These steps can make Telegram a gateway to blockchain-based projects for the masses — similar to how Google Play and the App Store currently work for centralized applications. Uses of TON as a Cryptocurrency In addition to payments for all digital and physical assets sold by individual merchants within the Telegram ecosystem and on other projects integrated with TON, the TON coins (Grams) will be used as: › Commission («gas») paid to TON nodes («validators») for processing transactions and smart contracts; › Stakes deposited by validators to be eligible to validate transactions and generate new blocks and coins; › Capital lent out to validators in exchange for a share of their reward; › Voting power required to support or oppose changes in the parameters of the protocol; › Payment for services provided by apps built on the platform (TON Services); › Payment for storing data securely in a decentralized way (TON Storage); › Payment for registering blockchain-based domain names (TON DNS) and hosting TON-sites (TON WWW); › Payment for hiding identity and IP addresses (TON Proxy); r bypassing censorship imposed by local ISPs (TON Proxy). › Payment fo All of these services can be free for the users since the application owners may choose to cover the corresponding fees, and adopt a freemium or an advertisement-based business model. 14 / 23
Roadmap he ƒ„ and elegram technical roadmaps include the following milestones– aunch of elegram Messenger and the elegram ”PI aunch of the ˆot ”PI and Platform aunch of the Payments Platform €tart of the development of ƒ„ € aunch of elegram E‹ternal €ecure I‘ € aunch of the Minimal žiable est „etwork of ƒ„ € esting and security audits of ƒ„ ‚ € ‘eployment of the stable version of ƒ„ ‚ € aunch of elegram ˜allet ƒ Creation of ƒ„-based economy in elegram ƒ aunch of ƒ„ €ervices ƒ„ €torage and ƒ„ Pro‹y elegram will also continue shipping monthly product updates that are not related to ƒ„. ™ Ž Œ
Token Distribution o obtain the resources re’uired to make ƒ„ a reality elegram is launching a token 10 sale in £ . he token sale will likely use a €”› to be converted – to native ƒ„ tokens …¢rams† after the deployment of the ƒ„ ˆlockchain in £— . he total supply of native ƒ„ tokens …¢rams† will e’ual ™ billion. ”fter the ƒ„ ˆlockchain is fully deployed the annual inflation rate derived from the fundamental parameters of ƒ„ is pro“ected at two percent. his inflation represents a payment made by all members of the community to the validators for keeping the system functional. ee «Šalidators», 2.6.1, «Original suppl, mining rewards and inflation», A.3 ›our percent of the supply … million ¢rams† will be reserved for the development team with a —-year vesting period. ‘uring the initial stage of active ƒ„ development at least ™ percent of the entire supply will be retained by the ƒ„ Reserve to protect the nascent cryptocurrency from speculative trading and to maintain fle‹ibility at the early stages of the evolution of the system. he remaining —— percent …. billion ¢rams† can be sold in accordance with the formula below– −• n p –¤ . × … ¦ † ¨€‘ n he price of the first token to be sold will be appro‹imately . ¨€‘ with and each successive token will be priced one billionth higher than the previous one. ”s a result the additional supply . €ee the €”› Pro“ect. Ÿ Ž Œ
coming from the ƒ„ Reserve will always be more e‹pensive than the price paid by any of the e‹isting buyers.11 his structure should allow the market to define the fair price and volume for the token sale. ” bulk pre-sale of ƒ„ tokens to a group of institutional investors for a fiat currency is possible under the average price per token or higher depending on the vesting period and the volume of the transaction. price per token, ‹ 22 € ƒ ‚ „ … † 2 tokens sold, bln 2 2 ——© potentially —© sold investors —-year vesting retained by developers ™© by the ƒ„ Reserve . €ee section ”.— in the echnical ˜hite Paper «ƒriginal price of ¢rams». š Ž Œ
Use of unds ›unds raised during the elegram ICƒ will be used for the development of elegram and ƒ„ and for the ongoing e‹penses re’uired to support the growth of the ecosystem. More than percent of collected funds will be spent on e’uipment bandwidth colocation and user verification costs. he rest will be allocated for wages offices and legal and consulting services. 80% 20% he annual budget of elegram in š amounted to ªš million out of which ªŸ million were spent on e’uipment bandwidth colocation and user verification costs. elegram’s spending is pro“ected at ª— million in the ne‹t three years …appro‹imately ª million in ª Œ million in • and ª š million in †. ” total spending of about ªŸ million to support continuing organic user growth should allow elegram to reach one billion active users by «anuary . MA„… mln B†‡get… ˆ mln ‰ ‚ ‚‰ € — ™ Ÿ š • — ™ Ÿ š • Ž Œ
Governance The founders of Telegram will be responsible for the efficient use of funds resulting from any sale of tokens from the TON Reserve. Over time, all responsibilities related to TON and its Reserve will be transferred to the TON Foundation, a not-for-profit organization. By 2021 the initial TON vision and architecture will have been implemented and deployed. TON will then let go of the «Telegram» element in its name and become «The Open Network». From then on, the continuous evolution of the TON Blockchain will be maintained by the TON Foundation. Telegram will serve as a launch pad for TON, ensuring its technological superiority and widespread adoption on the initial stages, but the future of TON is in the hands of the global open-source community. Telegram Open Network The Open Network 19 / 23
Team elegram has a world-class team of ™ developers that were selected from thousands of contenders over the last ten years. o become part of the team each of its current members had either to win in the world’s top programming contests or to take the first place in one of the nationwide multi-level coding competitions held by the founder of elegram. Core team members have ten years of e‹perience in building scalable pro“ects for tens of millions of users. ˆefore building elegram they created ž¯ the largest Europe-based social network with more than 100 million active users which still en“oys a dominating share in its local markets. he elegram backend team which has an unparalleled ratio of winners of worldwide coding competitions speciali‡es in creating secure data storage engines for distributed server infrastructures. ”ll networking cryptographic and database engine software running on thousands of elegram servers is custom-built by these developers. Fo†n‡erŠ Dr. Nikolai Durov Ph‡ ‹Bonn „niŒerŠitŽ‘… Ph‡ ‹Saint’PeterŠb†rg State „niŒerŠitŽ‘ › Œ-present– Co-founder Cƒ ”rchitect ead CŽC¦¦ Engineer at elegram. ˆuilt MProto and elegram’s distributed data storage engines® › Ÿ- Œ– Co-founder Cƒ ”rchitect ead CŽC¦¦ Engineer at ž¯. ˆuilt data storage and networking software. A“ar‡Š › ”bsolute ˜orld Champion in Programming … † — one of ten people in history to win the ”CM International Collegiate Programming Contest twice® › ¢old Medals in International Mathematical ƒlympiads … ••Ÿ ••š ••†® › ¢old and €ilver Medals in International ƒlympiads in Informatics … ••™ ••Ÿ ••š ••†. „ikolai is a renowned mathematician and a world-class programmer uni’uely combined 12 in one person. ”t the age of „ikolai already solved cubic e’uations. e started coding . „ikolai was invited to demonstrate this skill on the main ž channel of Italy where the ‘urovs lived at the time. Ž Œ
at • and by Œ he built a full-fledged operating system for Intel ŒŸ microprocessors in ‹Ÿ assembly language. ˜hile spending summers in €iberia without access to a computer -year old „ikolay filled hundreds of pages with ‹Ÿ assembly code creating programs such as a ›orth interpreter entirely on paper. ”s a Cƒ and guru in distributed systems he scaled ž¯ and then elegram to tens of millions of daily users. In — „ikolai became interested in ˆitcoin and related technologies. is research on these topics culminated in ƒ„’s echnical ˜hite Paper where he summari‡ed the advancements of blockchain technology and proposed a novel architecture for scalable decentrali‡ed ledgers. Pavel Durov › Œ-present– Co-founder CEƒ Product Manager at elegram® › Ÿ- Œ– Co-founder CEƒ Product Manager ead ‘eveloper at ž¯. A“ar‡Š › he most promising „orthern European leader under Œ … —†®13 14 › œoung ¢lobal eader by the ˜orld Economic ›orum … š†. Pavel first gained international recognition for founding ž¯ which under his leadership commanded a š percent market share in Russia ¨kraine and ˆelorussia eclipsing ›acebook and other competing social networks. ”n outspoken libertarian he published free market manifestos urging the Russian government to deregulate and decentrali‡e the country’s economy. Pavel was forced to sell ž¯ and leave Russia in — after a clash with the government over his users’ privacy and freedom of speech. Pavel started coding at and at he already created his first multiplayer strategy game. ”s a teenager he built popular online communication tools for fellow students. ”t he single-handedly coded the first version of ž¯. Pavel founded elegram and became interested in cryptocurrencies in Œ when he spent ª .™ million of his savings on ˆitcoin that he holds to this day. Œ. ž¯ontakte’s ›ounder Pavel ‘urov the Most Promising „orthern European eader ¨nder the ”ge of Œ. —. œoung ¢lobal eader Class of š. Ž Œ
Other Notable Team MemberŠ liaksei evin › Œ-present– CŽC¦¦ Engineer at elegram. ‘eveloped distributed data storage engines client cross-platform libraries and the bot ”PI® › - Œ– CŽC¦¦ Engineer at ž¯. ˆuilt data storage engines and created the custom programming language ¯PP for high-level backend developers. A“ar‡Š › ¢old Medal ”CM International Programming Contest ˜orld ›inals … †® › €ilver Medal ”CM International Programming Contest ˜orld ›inals … †® › ›irst Pri‡e International Mathematics Competition for ¨niversity €tudents …•†® › ¢old Medal ›irst Place International Mathematical ƒlympiad …™†® › €ilver Medal International Mathematical ƒlympiad …—†. italik altman › Œ-present– CŽC¦¦ Engineer at elegram. ‘eveloped networking and data storage engines® › - Œ– CŽC¦¦ Engineer at ž¯. ‘eveloped networking and data storage engines. A“ar‡Š › €ilver Medal ”CM International Programming Contest ˜orld ›inals …Ÿ†® › —th place op Coder ƒpen® › —th place op Coder Collegiate Contest. rsen mirnov › Œ-present– CŽC¦¦ Engineer at elegram. ‘eveloped server data storage engines client cross-platform libraries and bot ”PI® › - Œ– CŽC¦¦ Engineer at ž¯. ‘eveloped data storage engines and created the custom programming language ¯PP for high-level backend developers. A“ar‡Š › ¢old Medal ”CM International Programming Contest ˜orld ›inals … †® › €ilver Medal ”CM International Programming Contest ˜orld ›inals … †. Ž Œ
‚o€n gor › —-present– Client C¦¦ Engineer at elegram. › —-present– ead ˆackend Engineer at elegram. €ingle-handedly built elegram ‘esktop® ˆuilt the entire elegram ”PI for client apps® › š- Œ– ead backendŽfrontend Engineer at ž¯ › š- Œ– ead backendŽfrontend Engineer at ž¯ after winning a nationwide contest in «€. after winning a nationwide contest in «€. Drlo Peter › —-present– ”ndroid Engineer at elegram after › —-present– iƒ€Ž€wift Engineer at elegram. winning a nationwide contest in ”ndroid «ava. ˆuilt ˆuilt elegram for iƒ€ …ƒb“ective C†. ˆuilt elegram elegram for ”ndroid® ˆeta for iƒ€ …€wift†® › - Œ– iƒ€ Engineer at ž¯ after winning a › - Œ– iƒ€ Engineer at ž¯ after winning a nationwide contest in ƒb“ective C. nationwide contest in ƒb“ective C. ris€a olar › Ÿ-present– Cross Platform ‘eveloper › —-present– ˆackendŽ›rontend Engineer at at elegram. ˆuilds voice calls® elegram. ˆuilt the Instant žiew Platform the › - Ÿ– ”ndroid Engineer at ž¯ after winning ranslations Platform etc.® a nationwide contest in «ava for ”ndroid. €ingle- › - Œ– ead backendŽfrontend Engineer at ž¯ handedly built the ž¯ app for ”ndroid. after winning a nationwide contest in «€. la gor › Œ-present– iƒ€Ž€wift Engineer at elegram after › Œ-present– Infrastructure ”rchitect at elegram. several winning a nationwide contest in ƒb“ective €caled elegram to tens of thousands of servers® C. ˆuilt multiple features for elegram iƒ€. › - Œ– €enior €ystem Engineer. €caled ž¯ to tens of thousands of servers. Œ Ž Œ