Ecosystem Telegram’s existing ecosystem will offer simple ways of buying the TON coins (Grams), and a range of services to spend them on, driving demand and fundamental value for the cryptocurrency. Bot Platform As of October 2017, more than 800 000 unique third-party bots are regularly used by 52 million Telegram users. These bots can already accept credit card payments from users in 200 9 countries via eight providers connected to the Telegram Payments Platform. In the future, by using their verified IDs in conjunction with bots that accept credit cards, Telegram users will be able to buy and exchange cryptocurrencies in a frictionless and legally compliant way. Telegram will provide a unified entry point for users willing to connect with bots that offer exchange services, effectively creating a competitive market. Groups and Channels The Telegram ecosystem includes millions of public group chats reaching up to 30 000 members and broadcast channels, the largest of which have several million subscribers. Telegram’s public broadcast channels generate over 30 billion views by 80 million users each month. Creators of large channels currently try to monetize them by posting advertisements or promoting other channels and groups. However, they presently lack the necessary tools to formalize their transactions with advertisers. To fix this, Telegram will launch a TON-based ad exchange where parties interested in promoting their projects can connect with the relevant channel owners and negotiate a price in a transparent and fully automated way. All accompanying transactions will be made in Grams on a per-view or per-click basis, with the necessary statistics and guarantees provided to all parties. Digital Content and Physical Goods Bots, channels, and groups provide a ready market for paid content and subscription services. Users will be able to support publishers and content creators by making donations or paying for exclusive access. Bots can act as virtual storefronts and accept orders for the delivery of physical goods. Telegram’s in-app economy will supply the TON market with a wide range of goods and services that can be obtained with TON coins. 9. Bot API Payments: 13 / 23

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