External Secure IDs According to Tokenmarket, 84 percent of blockchain-based projects have an active Telegram 7 community, more than all other chat applications combined. Forbes and other media outlets have called Telegram the «cryptocurrency world’s preferred messaging app» and «as ubiquitous to the cryptocurrency world as Snapchat is to a teenager».8 OFFICIAL ICO Past 238 projects DISCUSSION GROUPS Current 79 projects Upcoming 113 projects 84% 78% 64% 53% 57% 51% 2% 3% 5% TELEGRAM SLACK DISCORD Based on data from Tokenmarket.net for Oct 2017. Because the majority of actors in the new digital economy already have active Telegram accounts, it is natural for Telegram to offer a secure universal ID. After passing KYC-AML on Telegram once, users will get a virtual passport to log into services that require user verification, thereby eliminating a major point of friction for anyone engaging with crypto-assets. All private data (such as passport scans) will eventually be stored end-to-end encrypted with a key known only to the owners. Telegram’s distributed servers (and later the TON Blockchain) will have no access to this information, but will instead store a hash of the value to be able to confirm that the data was verified when the user obtained their secure ID. Third parties will be able to add further verifications to these virtual passports. 7. Data from Tokenmarket, as of October 2017. 8. Russia Fines Cryptocurrency World's Preferred Messaging App, Telegram. 12 / 23

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