Team elegram has a world-class team of ™ developers that were selected from thousands of contenders over the last ten years. o become part of the team each of its current members had either to win in the world’s top programming contests or to take the first place in one of the nationwide multi-level coding competitions held by the founder of elegram. Core team members have ten years of e‹perience in building scalable pro“ects for tens of millions of users. ˆefore building elegram they created ž¯ the largest Europe-based social network with more than 100 million active users which still en“oys a dominating share in its local markets. he elegram backend team which has an unparalleled ratio of winners of worldwide coding competitions speciali‡es in creating secure data storage engines for distributed server infrastructures. ”ll networking cryptographic and database engine software running on thousands of elegram servers is custom-built by these developers. Fo†n‡erŠ Dr. Nikolai Durov Ph‡ ‹Bonn „niŒerŠitŽ‘… Ph‡ ‹Saint’PeterŠb†rg State „niŒerŠitŽ‘ ›  Œ-present– Co-founder Cƒ ”rchitect ead CŽC¦¦ Engineer at elegram. ˆuilt MProto and elegram’s distributed data storage engines® › Ÿ- Œ– Co-founder Cƒ ”rchitect ead CŽC¦¦ Engineer at ž¯. ˆuilt data storage and networking software. A“ar‡Š › ”bsolute ˜orld Champion in Programming …  † — one of ten people in history to win the ”CM International Collegiate Programming Contest twice® › ¢old Medals in International Mathematical ƒlympiads … ••Ÿ ••š ••­†® › ¢old and €ilver Medals in International ƒlympiads in Informatics … ••™ ••Ÿ ••š ••­†. „ikolai is a renowned mathematician and a world-class programmer uni’uely combined 12 in one person. ”t the age of ­ „ikolai already solved cubic e’uations. e started coding . „ikolai was invited to demonstrate this skill on the main ž channel of Italy where the ‘urovs lived at the time.  Ž Œ

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