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Tripadvisor Content from traveler reviews must appear within quotation marks Review content may be accompanied by the bubble rating given by that reviewer You may only quote from a rave review – a review accompanied by a 5-bubble rating – if the overall property rating is at least a 4 out of 5 When using review content, you MUST include the date of the quoted review It must be clear that the quoted review was from a traveler on Tripadvisor. Please accompany quotes with phrases like “A Tripadvisor traveler review” or “Reviewed by a Tripadvisor traveler” You may use a traveler’s Tripadvisor member name as long as Tripadvisor is acknowledged, e.g. “Tripadvisor traveler ” To use content from traveler reviews in printed marketing materials in the UK, you must get consent from the original reviewer For international points of sale, Tripadvisor prefers that you use traveler reviews originally written in the language of that point of sale. If there are no suitable local language reviews available, you may use a translated traveler review If review content is accompanied by a photo, the photo must be directly related to the review — or accompanied by a caption stating which specific property or destination the review refers to. Content should never be over a photo. Ratings & Reviews: Dos 26 Content provided by travelers – most frequently captured in the form of reviews – is the mainstay of the Tripadvisor value proposition. It is essential that our partners protect the integrity of user-generated content wherever it appears.

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