There are lessons here for employers who want to at tract and retain top talent in their agency : Making tim e for fair pay negotiations is crucial, especially fo r junior employees. Only 57% of Gen Zers believe they 're bei ng paid fairly (compared to 73% of Boomers) yet only 1 5% asked for a raise last year. A whopping 35% of Gen Zers changed jobs in the past year compared to an averag e of 22% across older generations. This isn’t to say that solo professionals and conte nt creators are not anxious about getting compensated. A third of solo entrepreneurs bemoan not earning enough because of clients who are late with payment s or don’t pay at all. Most content creators are ma king ends meet with $50,000 USD a year—which is less than the median wage in the US and prett y average in the UK. 60% of creators say they aren’t generating any inco me from their social media posts. 60 % ge t ting From Social Media post s of Cre ators income Aren’ t Rewriting romantic my ths of the creative industr y 19 2 — Mone y
WeTransfer Ideas Report '22 Page 18 Page 20