Partner and Co-marketing Guide Partner Created Email Page 32 Partner Created Email With Xerox Provided Header uses partner logo and Finished Asset relationship line. No badge Partners can create their own email and needed because email includes Xerox provided asset. incorporate a Xerox finished asset or Xerox Xerox provided asset. messaging. The finished asset must be used as is without breaking it up or removing components of it. Xerox messaging, such as information about products, should be communicated in the partner branding style, using the partner typeface, graphics, icons, etc. No badge is necessary if the communication includes a Xerox finished asset with Partner authored content. the Xerox logo signature. If the communication does not include a finished Xerox asset, the header should carry the Xerox badge. If the badge is not used, the relationship line should be used so the relationship between the partner and Xerox is clear to the intended audience. Make sure you follow the guidelines for minimum clear Partner developed content. space and sizing. Partner type, color, graphics, and logos are allowed. Can include Xerox messaging, such as product messaging, but it must be in the partners brand style. Partner authored content using icons and text in partner’s brand style. ©2018 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Fully partner branded email with Xerox provided asset.

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