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f) Making a Plan Planning the entertainment and activities for the festival hold start by resear-ching the target audience and possible participants in and around your communi-ty. Answer the following questions: • Who is the target audience? The goal is to be as inclusive of everyone as possible. This does not mean that every portion of the program needs to ap-peal to every person, but the overall programming should have something for everyone. • Who in the community can participate through performances and activities? • What clubs, associations or groups would have materials that could be bor-rowed, or if bought will enhance the programming (displays, site décor, co-stumes and props)? • What is the most appropriate venue for the programming? Is there enough power available? Adequate washroom facilities? Access to kitchen or would a portable facility better serve the festival? • How many volunteers will be needed? For example, people will be required for line control at venues, front-of-house in venues to help with seating and ticketing, back stage coordination, changeovers on stage, technicians for every venue, costumed characters, food vendors, etc. 94

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