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4.9 Storytelling Means of Expression of Collective Memory Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity by sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Storytelling can be used as a tool for the valorization and promotion of collective memory: Storytelling encourages the active imagination of the audience thereby building connection, attraction and understanding when the audiences feel like they actually involve in and being a part of a story. Memory then would be seen as the memory of the audiences, evoking many emotions in them. The storytelling listener’s role is to actively create the vivid, multi-sensory images, actions, characters, and events—the reality—of the story in his or her mind, based on the performance by the teller and on the listener’s own past experiences, beliefs, and understandings. The completed story happens in the mind of the listener, a unique and personalized individual. The listener becomes, therefore, a co-creator of the story as experienced. Storytelling could be a useful way to introduce the collective memory to the outer world. In recent times there has been an explosion of digital technology platforms and the appearance of many content creators who have influenced a certain community on the internet as known as influencer or KOL (key opinion leader). Catching up with that trend, marketing project managers have been keen on encouraging brand gurus / storytellers to build, share and spread historical stories, society, culture, cuisine, etc. 70

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