Prudential 2021 ESG Report Environmental Performance Comparison of Prudential’s Expanded 2021 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal Versus its 2019 Goal. Prudential Greenhouse Gas Inventory — breakdown by Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3/Business Travel. This summary re昀氀ects market-based MB Scope 2 emissions. Stationary Scope 1 emissions include activities from use of generators, cooling/refrigerants and heating fuels. Scope 2 emissions include market-based and location-based emissions. Additional scope 3 categories are provided in a separate table. 2019 GOALS U.S. DOMESTIC GOAL PROGRESS IN 2021 REDUCTION FROM 2017 2019 (previous) Goal: 34% from 2017 by 2030 MB 100% -43% GHG EMISSIONS [MTCO e] U.S. & INTERNATIONAL 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR 2 2019 (previous) Goal: 65% from 2017 by 2050 MB 66% -43% Scope 1 11,381 12,953 17,247 14,311 13,572 -12% Domestic Stationary 8,901 9,721 9,025 8,514 7,684 Domestic Mobile 1,395 2,537 7,171 - ­ CURRENT GOALS U.S. & INTERNATIONAL GOAL PROGRESS IN 2021 REDUCTION FROM 2017 Goal: 55% from 2017 by 2030 MB 84% -46% International Stationary 991 610 868 5,797 5,888 Goal: 97% from 2017 by 2040 MB 48% -46% International Mobile 93 85 183 - - Scope 2 (Market-based) 39,099 46,061 57,120 73,499 80,663 -15% Domestic Purchased Energy & Cooling 35,511 39,196 48,436 65,134 72,508 GHG EMISSIONS [MTCO e] U.S. & INTERNATIONAL 2021 2017 2 International Purchased Energy & Cooling 3,589 6,865 8,684 8,365 8,155 Scope 1 & 2MB 50,480 94,235 Scope 2 (Location-based) 36,612 43,824 54,652 58,206 57,055 -16% Domestic Purchased Energy & Cooling 33,023 36,959 45,968 49,842 48,901 Size and count of Prudential’s primary home of昀椀ce operations included under the International Purchased Energy & Cooling 3,589 6,865 8,684 8,364 8,154 operational control approach. TOTAL Scope 1 & 2 Scope 1 & 2 (Market-based) 50,480 59,014 74,367 87,810 94,235 -14% FACILITIES U.S. & INTERNATIONAL 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR Portfolio Square footage 7,058,579 8,319,649 8,302,095 8,302,095 8,653,579 -15% Scope 1 & 2 (Location-based) 47,993 56,777 71,898 72,518 70,627 -15% Scope 3 (MTCO e) Business Travel 6,132 4,541 29,598 13,488 11,352 35% Count of Domestic Facilities 20 19 19 19 18 5% 2 Count of International Facilities 18 18 16 16 16 0% Total Scope 1, 2 MB and Scope 3 Biz. Travel 56,612 63,555 103,965 101,298 105,587 -11% Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 61

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