Prudential 2021 ESG Report Political Disclosure Decisions made by governments have tremendous impact on how and Accountability Prudential operates as a public company and competes in the global marketplace. Prudential’s External Affairs’ strategic initiatives include: how to ensure PAC contributions appropriately re昀氀ect the Company’s • Maintaining a leading presence in legislative and regulatory processes. purpose, vision, and values. Our PACs began using the new framework • Constructively and thoughtfully informing and advising on a wide for contributions for the 2021-22 election cycle, which applies to both range of public policy issues that are important to the Company’s federal and state contributions. shareholders, customers, and employees, including expanding Prudential’s Political Activities and Contributions (PAC) annual report workplace bene昀椀ts, promoting retirement savings and enabling a provides detailed information on Prudential’s sponsored political broader set of 昀椀nancial products and services to meet the growing contributions and annual association dues, assessments and demands/needs of society. contributions to trade associations exceeding $10,000. All employees • Participating in several trade associations, industry groups and other are permitted to engage in political activities to the extent permitted by public policy forums representing the interests of insurance, retirement law, provided they do so as individuals and not as representatives of the and asset management. Company. Certain personal political contributions of employees and family • Supporting core business growth and future growth opportunities. members are prohibited or restricted under Company policy to comply • Sponsoring political action committees (PACs) to provide a voice for with federal, state and local “pay-to-play” laws pertaining to contributions the Company and its values by actively supporting participation in the by vendors to the public sector. Prudential prohibits individual political American democratic process. contributions for the purpose of in昀氀uencing or attempting to in昀氀uence the award of business to the Company. The Company also maintains related To accomplish this, Prudential maintains a presence in the public policy policies that direct and govern all lobbying activity on behalf of Prudential. arena in the United States and internationally to express its viewpoints to legislators, regulators and in昀氀uencers on key matters that impact how the Company operates as a business. The 2021 CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure Prudential sponsors a variety of initiatives to help support an active pro昀椀le and Accountability ranked Prudential as a Trendsetter company, in policymaking and regulatory processes. Such sponsored activities the highest distinction. This is the seventh consecutive year that include direct engagements with state and federal and international Prudential has been recognized for its disclosure, accountability, lawmakers’ regulators, and standard setters, partnerships with trade and political spending oversight. organizations, operation of political action committees. In 2021, the Prudential Political Action Committee’s Board of Directors agreed to a new framework for evaluating candidates that thoughtfully considers Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 15

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