Prudential 2021 ESG Report Sourcing and The sourcing and procurement organization drives value by leveraging Procurement Prudential’s buying power to optimize quality, service levels and competitive pricing from our vendors. We created a new Supplier Code of Business Ethics, which includes Responsible Purchasing our Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices, and contact information to address Supplier Code questions or to report any concerns anonymously. Prudential has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion, Our goal is to work with suppliers who act consistently with our principles, which includes a diverse supply chain. By leveraging talent of every values and standards. For more information, refer to Prudential’s Vendor color, gender, origin, religion, sexual orientation and physical capability, Code of Conduct and Terms of Engagement on our website. Prudential provides opportunities to diverse 昀椀rms within a deep pool Prudential continues to focus on environmentally sound purchases. of accomplished suppliers. Our goal is to utilize these diverse 昀椀rms as fully as possible and to establish long-term agreements with non-diverse Examples include: vendor partners who share our vision for and dedication to supplier • Information Technology (IT) products are managed throughout the diversity fueling 昀椀nancial growth and promoting the development of procurement lifecycle and include responsible reuse, recycling and diverse supplier communities. appropriate disposal. • Print sourcing speci昀椀es the use of vegetable or soy-based inks and the Company’s print contracts stipulate adherence to the Lacey Act. The Supply Chain Sustainability percentage of the Company’s paper that included at least 10% post- consumer recycled content held at 6%. In 2021, Prudential achieved an A- Supplier Engagement Rating from CDP. We invited 100% of our top suppliers1 to participate in education and reporting with CDP. The response rate increased from 57% in 2020 to 69% in 2021. We also increased the number of suppliers we engaged. We view active participation in CDP’s Supplier Engagement Survey as one of the many ways our Company advances environmental transparency and monitors progress to attain a sustainable future. 1. Suppliers are invited to respond to the CDP survey based on potential environmental impact and material spend with the supplier by Prudential’s U.S. businesses. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 14

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