Prudential 2021 ESG Report Global Employee We believe the best and most transformative decisions Engagement are made when we listen and re昀氀ect on the diverse 2021 Employee Survey voices of our people. In 2021, Prudential’s polling and survey programs collected over 48,000 employee responses through listening programs to understand 23,600 27,895 10,169 experiences, behaviors, attitudes and perceptions of leadership, culture, and key organizational issues 1 Comments Responded Invited including pandemic challenges and return to workplace planning. These responses help to inform 85% 7 24 decisions about our people, programs, processes and policies. Response rate Languages Countries Prudential’s annual global employee engagement survey 昀椀elded across 24 countries in seven languages, received an 85% response rate in 2021, 2 versus 83% in 2020. Prudential’s engagement scores, ENGAGEMENT INDEX while slightly lower versus 2020 (75% in 2021 versus 77% in 2020), remain largely positive. Employees -2 points Favorable Neutral Unfavorable noted Prudential’s ethical, respectful and inclusive compared 75% 17% 8% work environment and expressed appreciation for to 2020 the 昀氀exibility and support provided throughout the pandemic. Career growth emerged as a prominent theme, as did Prudential’s U.S. transformation efforts. The survey results and the process of continuous INCLUSION3 INDEX improvement that ensues is discussed with the Board at least annually. Senior leaders are committed to No change listening to diverse perspectives and responding compared Favorable Neutral Unfavorable in ways that have a meaningful impact, including to 2020 79% 14% 7% changes in development programs, manager training, and internal mobility opportunities. 1. Excludes the Field Of昀椀ce in U.S. and the sales forces of Gibraltar, Malaysia, Chile and Gibraltar India. 2. Engagement: Average favorability score of employee engagement indicators: job satisfaction, advocacy, discretionary effort, and intent to stay 3. Inclusion: Average favorability score of various facets that re昀氀ect an inclusive environment: communication, respect, ethical culture, growth opportunities, empowerment, innovation, 昀氀exibility, and feeling valued Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 38

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