Prudential 2021 ESG Report LRQA Independent Assurance Statement Relating to Prudential Financial’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the 2021 calendar year This Assurance Statement has been prepared for Prudential Financial, • Evaluating the accuracy and reliability of data and information for only assurance2 and at the materiality of the professional judgement of the Inc. in accordance with our contract. the selected indicators listed below: veri昀椀er. − Direct (Scope 1), Energy Indirect (Scope 2) and Other Indirect 1. http://www Terms of engagement (Scope 3) GHG Emissions; 2. The extent of evidence-gathering for a limited assurance engagement is less than for a reasonable assurance engagement. Limited assurance engagements focus on aggregated data rather than physically checking source data at sites. Consequently, the level of − Scope 3 GHG emissions veri昀椀ed by LRQA only include Business assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had a LRQA was commissioned by Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to reasonable assurance engagement been performed. provide independent assurance of its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Travel. for the 2021 calendar year (CY 2021) against the assurance criteria − Domestic and International Greenhouse Gas Emissions Basis for Quali昀椀ed Opinion below to a limited level of assurance using LRQA’s veri昀椀cation procedure − Year over Year Change in Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG emissions. and ISO 14064 — Part 3 for greenhouse gas data. LRQA’s veri昀椀cation LRQA’s responsibility is only to Prudential. LRQA disclaims any liability Prudential has not reported diesel consumption used in backup procedure is based on current best practise and is in accordance with or responsibility to others as explained in the end footnote. Prudential’s generators at facilities located outside of the United States (with the ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3410. responsibility is for collecting, aggregating, analysing and presenting exception of Prudential of Taiwan and the Prudential of Brazil Home Our assurance engagement covered Prudential’s operations and activities all the data and information within the report and for maintaining Of昀椀ce). This omission is not material. in operationally controlled, corporate owned or leased “home of昀椀ce” effective internal controls over the systems from which the report is Table 1. Summary of Prudential’s Global GHG Emissions for CY 2021: properties worldwide. Prudential home of昀椀ces are de昀椀ned by Prudential derived. Ultimately, the report has been approved by, and remains the as principal properties used for regional corporate functions. Not responsibility of Prudential. SCOPE OF GHG EMISSIONS METRIC TONS CO2e included are any of Prudential’s leased, detached, retail or branch of昀椀ce Scope 1 GHG emissions 11,381 sites. Speci昀椀cally, this engagement covered the following requirements: LRQA’s Opinion Scope 2 GHG emissions (Location-based)1 36,612 • Verifying conformance with: Based on LRQA’s approach, except for the effect of the matters described Scope 2 GHG emissions (Market-based)1 39,099 • Prudential’s reporting methodologies for the selected datasets: in the Basis for Quali昀椀ed Opinion, nothing has come to our attention that Scope 3 GHG emissions: Business Travel2 6,132 Prudential’s GHG Inventory Management Plan; and would cause us to believe that Prudential has not, in all material respects: 1. Scope 2, Location-based and Scope 2, Market-based are de昀椀ned in the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, 2015 • World Resources Institute / World Business Council for Sustainable • Met the requirements above 2. Business Travel includes Air Travel with radiative forcing, Public Transportation including Intercity Rail, Bus and Ferry, Vehicles Development Greenhouse Gas including employee personal vehicles, rental cars and taxis, and Hotel Stays. • Disclosed accurate and reliable performance data as summarized in • Protocol: A corporate accounting and reporting standard, revised the tables below. edition (otherwise referred to as the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol) for the The opinion expressed is formed on the basis of a limited level of GHG data1 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 63

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